
web component + svelte + esbuild = svelteup

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web component + svelte + esbuild = svelteup

client rendering + light weight + extremly fast = svelteup

Web component is the future web tech, which is suitable with a client rendering and light weight frontend framework, svelte.

If we want some components in a simple project, please svelteup. More details on examples


The entry can be a file or a directory. Please reference to examples

bundle web components seperately

The entry should be a directory, and each svelte file will be a seperate entry.

bundle web components all in one

The entry should be a file, and all the web components should be bundled together.


1.Startup as CLI

A command line is used to bundle svelte components as web component default.

$ ·> svelteup --help

    Bundle your Svelte Components
    Parameter Entry can be a file
    Default Entry 'components'

    $ svelteup [entry] [options]

    -o, --outdir      Set output directory (default public/dist)
    -c, --config      Set config path (default svelteup.config.js)
    -d, --dev         [Development] Dev Mode with serving static resources (default false)
    -w, --watch       [Development] Watch Mode without serving static resources (default false)
    -s, --servedir    [Development] Static resources directory
    -p, --port        [Development] Serve port (default 5000)
    -v, --version     Displays current version
    -h, --help        Displays this message

    $ svelteup -s public
    $ svelteup bundle.js
    $ svelteup components -o public/dist

2.Startup using a Config File

Please put a svelteup.config.js or svelteup.config.ts in the project root path.

You can use preprocess and compilerOptions. Even you can compile svelte with customElement:false.

import sveltePreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';

export default {
  entry: 'examples/no-custom-element/components/index.js',
  outdir: 'examples/no-custom-element/public/dist',
  servedir: 'examples/no-custom-element/public',
  compilerOptions: {
    customElement: false,
  preprocess: sveltePreprocess({
    postcss: {
      plugins: [require('autoprefixer')],

Parameters of svelteup.config.js

Parameter Description
entry bundle entry
compilerOptions svelte compiler option
preprocess svelte-preprocess option
onRebuild rebuild hook in development

3.Startup as JS API

import svelteup from 'svelteup';

svelteup('componets/index.js', { servedir: 'public' });

Demo Template

Please have a try.


MIT @brandonxiang