Weather Dash


This is a weather dashboard built for Week 6 of the Vanderbilt Full-stack Coding Boot Camp, which uses the OpenWeather One Call API to retrieve weather data.

  • Search for a city and be presented with current and future conditions.
  • A search history of cities previously searched, stored in localStorage.
  • Displays city name, date, and icon depicting weather conditions, the temperature, humidity, wind speed, and UV index.
  • Color coding for favorable, moderate, or severe weather.
  • Future weather conditions for a city present a 5-day forecast with dates, icons representing weather conditions, temperature, wind speed, and humidity.
  • Cities in the search history can be clicked on to reload that data.

Table of Contents


Clone the repository in a CLI using the command git clone to download all source files.


Upload HTML source code and asset files to hosting service such as GitHub Pages.

The landing page is hosted here.



Developed by Brandon James Hoskins for the Vanderbilt Coding Boot Camp, 2021.


Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal