
Shiny App for the visualization of the Federal Home Loan Bank Mortgage Portfolio

Primary LanguageR

Project 2: Shiny Title: Federal Home Loan Bank Mortgage Portfolio Created By: Joe Eckert Date: October 18th, 2015

Introduction: The purpose of this app is to examine the distribution of mortgages that make up the FHLB portfolio in order to analyze the FHLB System's effectiveness.

To Run in RStudio: shiny::runGitHub('FHLBPortfolio', 'joeinnyc')

Source Data: -Loan Level Data from the FHLB System: http://www.fhfa.gov/DataTools/Downloads/Pages/FHLBank-Public-Use-Database-Previous-Years.aspx

-FIPS County Data from the Census: https://www.census.gov/geo/reference/codes/cou.html

# Data has been imported and stored in the data/data0.Rds file.