
tutorials around cascading, lingual, pattern and other projects

Primary LanguageCSS

Tutorials For the Cascading Ecosystem.

This is a collection of tutorials about working with cascading and its related projects. In contains the following tutorials right now:

  • Pattern
  • Lingual-HBase
  • Lingual-Oracle
  • Lingual-Redshift

This project is meant to make it simple to add new tutorials without dealing with the setup of asciidoctor too much. All common parts such as CSS and the eRuby template for the html page are in the root project under src/site/stylesheets and src/templates. Each subproject contains only the specific content for that tutorial, i.e. the asciidoc (<subproject>/src/asciidoc) and the images (<subproject>/src/site/images).


The command line to produce all tutorials is:

> gradle docDist

This will render all tutorials and put them in the <rootproject>/build/documentation/ directory. Each tutorial has its own subdirectory, which also contains a zip archive of the tutorial.