
Notify a MUC about long-running Apache client connections

Primary LanguagePerl


A collection of scripts you can use to monitor your Apache servers for long-running client connections and then put the data onto a Beanstalkd tube where the Jabber bot can grab them and notify a MUC.


  • A Beanstalkd server
  • beanstalk-client (Ruby)
  • Beanstalk::Client (Perl)
  • Parse::Apache::ServerStatus::Extended (Perl)
  • An XMPP server

Getting started

  1. Edit hosts.dat to include the Apache servers you want to monitor.
  2. Modify slothbot.yml with your Jabber credentials and Beanstalkd info.
  3. Modify $port in check_sloth.pl to reflect your environment.
  4. Run start.sh
  5. Now run check_sloth.pl
  6. When it works to your satisfaction, throw check_sloth.pl into a crontab.

Slothbot 15:10 ☂ 21 slothfuls older than 5 secs on www29.foo.com:8000