
A notifications service created with NestJS, TypeScript, Prisma, Kafka

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Notifications service

This app is a service responsible for creating and mananging notifications. It was developed during the Rocketseat Ignite Lab | Node.js course.

Stack used in this project:

  • NestJS
  • TypeScript
  • Prisma
  • Kafka

Other tools:

  • Eslint
  • Prittier
  • Jest: unit tests
  • SOLID: Single Responsibility Principle; Dependency Inversion Principle;
  • Factory pattern
  • DDD
  • Upstash

Features ✨

What you need to run this project

  • Node.js

1. Set up

Install the dependencies

# If you use yarn
yarn install

# If you use npm
npm install

Set up prisma

npx prisma init --datasource-provider sqlite

The init command creates a prisma directory with your schema file and configures SQLite as your database. Inside ./prisma/schema.prisma, append the Notification model below.

model Notification {
  id          String    @id
  recipientId String
  content     String
  category    String
  readAt      DateTime?
  canceledAt  DateTime?
  createdAt   DateTime  @default(now())


Create your database

Run the migrate command to create your database and the Notification table.

npx prisma migrate dev --name init

Explore your database

Run this command to open a browser UI and explore your database.

npx prisma studio

2. Run the app

# development
$ yarn run start

# watch mode
$ yarn run start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod

3. Test

# unit tests
$ yarn test

# unit tests in watch mode
$ yarn test:watch

Create a notification

To create a notification, the client needs to send a Post request with the recipientId, content and category described by the CreateNotificationBody DTO class

export class CreateNotificationBody {
  recipientId: string;

  @Length(5, 240)
  content: string;

  category: string;

Note: The recipientId refers to the destination of the notification. It could be the userId.

to the /notifications API.

export class Notifications {
    private sendNotification: SendNotification,
  ) {}

  async create(@Body() body: CreateNotificationBody) {
    const { recipientId, content, category } = body;

    const { notification } = await this.sendNotification.execute({

    return {
      notification: NotificationViewModel.toHttp(notification),

or you can set up a producer to push a message to Kafka with the 'notifications.send-notification' topic.

Note: In order for this service to consume Kafkas messages, you need to define the credentials in a .env file.

Read, unread or cancel a notification

To read, unread and cancel notifications, the requests are pretty similar. You have to send the id of the notification in a Patch request to /notifications/:id/<operation>. Replace <operation> by the operation that you want to choose.

export class Notifications {
    private cancelNotification: CancelNotification,
    private readNotification: ReadNotification,
    private unreadNotification: UnreadNotification,
  ) {}

  async read(@Param('id') id: string) {
    await this.readNotification.execute({
      notificationId: id,

  async unread(@Param('id') id: string) {
    await this.unreadNotification.execute({
      notificationId: id,

  async cancel(@Param('id') id: string) {
    await this.cancelNotification.execute({
      notificationId: id,

Count notifications by recipient

To count how many notifications were created for a recipient, you have to send the recipientId in a Get request to /notifications/count/from/:recipientId.

export class Notifications {
    private countRecipientNotifications: CountRecipientNotifications,
  ) {}

  async countFromRecipient(@Param('recipientId') recipientId: string) {
    const { count } = await this.countRecipientNotifications.execute({

    return {

Get notifications by recipient

To get all notifications that were created for a recipient, you have to send the recipientId in a Get request to /notifications/from/:recipientId.

export class Notifications {
    private getRecipientNotifications: GetRecipientNotifications,
  ) {}

  async getFromRecipient(@Param('recipientId') recipientId: string) {
    const { notifications } = await this.getRecipientNotifications.execute({

    return {
      notifications: notifications.map(NotificationViewModel.toHttp),

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