This repository contains basic files and instruction for NPTEL HDD setup.
/MEDIA/DISK-1 ┬ ├ ├ .htaccess ├ index.php ├ DisplayVideo.php ├ [DIR] videos ├ [DIR] json_db ┬ ├ dbDisciplineList.json * [discipline_id, discipline_name] ├ dbSubjectList1.json [subject_id, discipline_id, type, org, subject_name, [coordinator_1,coordinator_2,...]] └ dbLectureList1.json [subject_id, lecture_id, title] /MEDIA/DISK-N ** ┬ ├ [DIR] videos ├ [DIR] json_db ┬ ├ dbSubjectListN.json [subject_id, discipline_id, type, org, subject_name, [coordinator_1,coordinator_2,...]] └ dbLectureListN.json [subject_id, lecture_id, title]
* Here only the first (ie. DISK-1) will contain the list of all disciplines (ie. dbDisciplineList.json)
** Here N is the serial no. of the disk.
- Connect and open all disks
- Open terminal and run on DISK-1
- Enter the number of drives connected.
Since the project is based on searching through json and not on traditional database a lot of overhead is incurred everytime someone processes the dbLectureList*.json ie. at the time of watching the video. It would be nice to have an extra file in every course folder named "info.json" which would contain all the necessary information about the course (eg. list of lectures, prerequisites etc.)