- 2
Help with equipment
#78 opened by AxemaFr - 2
Is Support Print with Bluetooth Printer ??
#77 opened by andyresta - 1
Align Barcode CODE128 on paper
#76 opened by vuciflutter - 1
In a row can not has two image print .
#75 opened by Chantha123 - 2
Possibility to print in a different typeface
#74 opened by roitnaidu23 - 8
Feat: Get Status of Cash Drawer
#71 opened by hrueger - 6
A failure occurred while executing$AidlCompileRunnable
#72 opened by dzghxs - 1
- 2
- 3
Printer not working for release
#52 opened by daria-ost-embrox - 3
Not able to print Greek text
#66 opened by jibinjayachandran - 1
printRow function isArabic parameter
#69 opened by KimSeongJu2 - 1
How to print two qrcodes on the same line ?
#68 opened by raindy29 - 15
error in format in row with language arabic
#43 opened by tebalink - 18
getPrinterStatus() always return ERROR
#45 opened by Mapashito1 - 2
- 1
- 2
Binding Printer
#56 opened by Farhannadeer - 1
Payment card reader
#61 opened by fr20587 - 2
- 1
Error Compiling Aidl for app
#65 opened by muchirajunior - 2
- 1
Support font style!
#64 opened by Mohammad-Abureesh - 4
sunmi cut paper do nothing
#55 opened by yogithesymbian - 2
- 17
Sunmi kiosk k2 print not working
#60 opened by Kimsoer - 3
Total column width must be equal to 12
#63 opened by eslamesmail-hub - 4
How to print Khmer Language (សួរស្តី)
#47 opened by sokphengcheang - 4
this pakage only support sunmi printer POS device or working for all type of POS devices?
#62 opened by vijayvaghela72 - 10
- 4
Arabic letters supported
#27 opened by controlc338 - 1
how to manage the repeation of the line or some line of print comes in different line when i attempt to print as many as i can ? Any solutuon
#42 opened by shahenshamohd - 1
What's the serial number format?
#53 opened by alextarrago - 2
Can't center image header in T2 Mini
#49 opened by smilexth - 4
Sunmi V2s running android 11 not printing
#48 opened by DavidMilai - 3
Cant fetch the actual serial number of sunmi v2 pro using Sunmiprinter.serialnumber(). Can anyone help to get the actual serial number of device.
#31 opened by shahenshamohd - 1
Change FontSize of ColumnMaker Text
#44 opened by BellatrixTechnology - 3
Support set font italic
#40 opened by vyendn3 - 1
Line through text in print reciept
#41 opened by shahenshamohd - 5
- 5
Using SunmiStyle doesn't work as expected
#38 opened by FrenkyDema - 1
got this error "Execution failed for task ':app:minifyReleaseWithR8'." when use the pacakge
#34 opened by abdullah-khudher - 12
SunmiPrinter.printText(text); dosn't work
#32 opened by FrenkyDema - 1
Can u implement with sunmi v2s
#36 opened by jackie-maxx - 1
return an error message when the printer does not work well, like when the printer doesn't have paper!
#33 opened by abdullah-khudher - 1
Binding Error
#30 opened by FrenkyDema - 2
implement updatePrinterState()
#24 opened by markushorst - 2
Black background when print image
#29 opened - 4
Black background over white font
#28 opened by basilshaikh - 2
cannot print with for
#26 opened by DzElias