
A markdown port of my resume

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a place to store a markdown format of my resume which gets published and hosted to host your resume using sinatra, github-pages or Heroku.


  1. Fork this project
  2. Modify resume.md to be your resume.
  3. Modify config.yaml so that the data represents you, not icco.
  4. Edit views/style.less to make your resume look pretty.
  5. Install the gems sinatra, github-markup, git, rack-test, heroku and less
  1. type rake local or ./resume.rb to run locally.
  2. To deploy to Heroku
  • Run heroku create
  • rake deploy to push your resume to the internet.
  1. To deploy to github-pages, run rake github.


resume.md is property of Daniel Weinstein. You are welcome to use it as a base structure for your resume, but don't forget, you are not him.

The rest of the code is licensed CC-GPL. Remember sharing is caring.