This document provides a quick description of how to build, install, and run the application. Refer to the RaspberryPiGub page on the project wiki for instructions on setting up hardware and a build environment prior to proceeding with this document.
This is a Python application. So far, there is nothing to build.
Start by following the install for the master server up to but not including the "Install Python dev to enable mod_wsgi install" section. TODO if we don't end up putting QR Codes in the station display for dock setup of the pi can stop after git is installed.
$ sudo raspi-config
go to advanced enable I2C Finish which will restart
$ sudo pip install pibrella
$ sudo pip install mido
$ sudo pip install enum
$ sudo pip install python-dbus
$ sudo pi install Flask
$ sudo pip install tornado
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-smbus python-pip
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd Adafruit_Python_CharLCD
$ sudo python install
$ sudo mkdir /opt/designchallenge2015
$ cd /opt/designchallenge2015
$ sudo git clone
You should be able to set this up on a Raspberry Pi station by following the steps in the Pi Setup document. To get the code from the repository into a standard location, run the following
$ sudo mkdir /opt/designchallenge2016
$ sudo chown pi:pi /opt/designchallenge2016
$ cd /opt/designchallenge2016
$ git clone
#--- NOTE stations require secific hw for this year return needs an adafruit 16x2 LCC color display dock needs a Pi 2 and monitor that supports 1080p secure requires the pibrella running the light sensor hw from 2015 cpa as well as an audio cable(s) that can direct the speaker output of the py to the mic input of an android phone To run a station:
$ cd /opt/desognchallenge2016/brata.station/bin/
$ ./runstation -m ipofmasterserver:port -n stationname -t type
To run unit tests:
$ cd /opt/designchallenge2016/brata.station/sve/bin
$ ./runtests
To run the SVE application for the HMB:
$ cd /opt/designchallenge2016/brata.station/sve/bin $ ./sve
To monitor SVE log output in another terminal window:
$ tail -f /var/log/syslog
To mock the MS, see the README.txt file in the wiremock subdirectory.
TODO. This document needs to be written.
Random thoughts: This started as just a single application for the HMB Raspberry Pi unit; however, current thoughts are on combining it with the other station(s) into a single application. Let's see if this works.
Unless someone has a reason not to, we can run Python with the -B option so the directory doesn't get cluttered with *.pyc files.
If you run this on your Pi, you shouldn't see any output on the command line.
Open a terminal window and keep it open. In that window, type the following before running the application:
tail -f /var/log/syslog
When you run the application, you should see something like this in the window you're running tail:
Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing SVE config Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing vibration motor Huey config Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing vibration motor Dewey config Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing vibration motor Louie config Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing LED red config Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing LED yellow config Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing LED green config Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing SVE Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing vibration manager Huey Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing vibration manager Dewey Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing vibration manager Louie Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing LED red Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing LED yellow Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Constructing LED green Sep 14 20:51:45 raspberrypi Starting SVE.
Then, back in the window that you ran SVE, press Ctrl+C. Now in your tail window, you should see:
Sep 14 20:52:35 raspberrypi Received signal "2". Stopping SVE. Sep 14 20:52:35 raspberrypi Stopping vibration manager Huey Sep 14 20:52:35 raspberrypi Stopping vibration manager Dewey Sep 14 20:52:35 raspberrypi Stopping vibration manager Louie
As you keep rerunning the application, you'll see this output in the tail window; you shouldn't see anything in the window in which you run the "sve" script.
I've disabled everything regarding the push buttons, but the code is still in there. We'll need to clean it up some time after it gets into the repository.
The Pibrella code we used the other day still needs to be put into