This repository contains various examples on how to use the security-jwt library.
Module | Description |
regular-internal | This example shows how to use the regular (old) way on how to integrate the library. |
regular-no-refresh | This is the most simple example, without any refresh token store configured. |
starter-cookies | With 2.0.0 onwards there is built-in cookie support in the library. This example shows how to enable and configure them. |
starter-custom-endpoints | This example demonstrates how the endpoints for the Restcontroller can be modified |
starter-custom-jwtuser | With this example you can see how to use an custom JwtUser implementation with custom fields. |
starter-custom-login-service | In this example you can see how to use an custom LoginService implementation. This way you can override the login process with your workflow. |
starter-custom-password-encoder | This example shows how to explicitly use another PasswordEncoder instead of the libraries default CryptPasswordEncoder. |
starter-custom-security-conf | In this example the default security config is overwritten and customized. |
starter-files | The most simple example with an refresh module. |
starter-hibernate | The most simple example with an refresh module. |
starter-multiple | An example which includes two refresh tokenstore implementations. You have to manually, explicitly select one in this case. |
starter-swagger | This example shows how to use openapi to automatically generate an api documentation. When running with spring boot 2.6+, at least openapi v1.5.x has to be used, otherwise any version may be used. |