
My Bash scripts.

Primary LanguageShell

A bunch of Bash scripts I have created.

Current list:

Name Function
bgman Manage background images using feh
cheat Easily bring up a curl cheat sheet from cheat.sh
kblayout Manage keyboard layouts in X11
qrcodeterm Generate QR codes in the terminal
screencap Capture the screen using scrot
wtrcode Read weather information via curl using location codes
wtrin Read weather information via curl using input arguments
ytmpv Stream YouTube videos via mpv using youtube-dl


Adding bash-scripts to PATH

If you cloned the repository to $HOME/github/bash-scripts, you should add the following line to your .bashrc:



Tool name Tool provider Script where the tool is used Reason for use
curl curl cheat, qrcodeterm, wtrcode, wtrin Accessing terminal-friendly websites
dmenu dmenu screencap, wtrcode, ytmpv Selection making, alternatively use fzf
feh feh bgman Handle backgrounds
localectl systemd kblayout Getting supported keyboard layouts
mpv mpv ytmpv Playing video information
scrot scrot screencap Screenshot making
setxkbmap X11 kblayout Setting the keyboard layout
youtube-dl youtube-dl ytmpv Getting YouTube's video formats


You can configure the scripts that have configuration files via


Scripts that use configuration files are listed below:

Script Intended use Should it be manually edited?
kblayout Favorite layouts ✔️
wtrcode Weather codes ✔️


The following scripts were made possible by: