Separation of intrinsic and scattering Q by envelope inversion
Qopen is a script in seismology that estimates shear wave scattering and intrinsic attenuation parameters by inversion of seismogram envelopes.
The method is described in the following publication:
Tom Eulenfeld and Ulrich Wegler (2016), Measurement of intrinsic and scattering attenuation of shear waves in two sedimentary basins and comparison to crystalline sites in Germany, Geophysical Journal International, 205(2), 744-757, doi:10.1093/gji/ggw035. [pdf]
Alternatively, have a look at our poster presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the DGG.
Since version 2, Qopen runs on Python3 only. If you want to use Qopen with Python2 use version 1.x.
Dependencies of Qopen are:
- ObsPy>=1.0
- NumPy, SciPy and matplotlib (itself dependencies of ObsPy)
- statsmodels
Installation with conda - it's probably best to install ObsPy and other dependencies first and then let pip take care of the rest:
conda --add channels conda-forge conda create -n qenv matplotlib numpy scipy obspy statsmodels conda activate qenv pip install qopen
Qopen provides the scripts qopen, qopen-rt and qopen-runtests. The installation can be tested with:
The code is run by the installed command line script qopen. A tutorial can be created with the appropriate flag:
qopen --tutorial
This command copies an example configuration file in JSON format and the corresponding data files into the current directory. The configuration file is heavily commented and should be rather self-explanatory. Now you can perform the inversion by simply running
which will calculate the results and create different plots.
To use the script with your own data you need 1. an inventory (StationXML or other ObsPy readable format) of your stations, 2. the earthquake catalog (QuakeML or other ObsPy readable format) preferable with P and S picks and 3. the waveforms. Waveforms may exist in data files of various formats or can be fetched from a webservice. A custom solution for waveform retrieval is also possible (e.g. mixing of data files and web requests). An example configuration file can be created with
qopen --create-config
This file has to be adapted to your needs (time window selection, etc.). The inversion is started by simply running qopen again.
To call Qopen from Python do e.g.
from qopen import run run(conf='conf.json')
All configuration options in conf.json can be overwritten by keyword arguments passed to run().
Please also consult the API documentation.
The seistools mailing list can be used to contact other users and developers.
A somewhat advanced example using the Qopen package: USAttenuation.
These studies make use of Qopen: Google Scholar Link.