
A customized amd64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS-based docker base image created for use in various containers.

Primary LanguageShell

ubuntu-base-amd64: A base docker image built on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS amd64

A customized amd64 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS-based docker base image created for use in various docker projects.

Initially built to serve as the base of my cardano-node-amd64 docker image.


  • Start with ubuntu:latest as a base image
  • Install zsh, wget, git, vim, python3, python3-pip, bat, dnsutils, nano, libnuma-dev
    • Clean up
  • Install locales
    • Set LANG to en_US.UTF-8
    • Set LC_ALL to en_US.UTF-8
  • Create user lovelace
    • UID="1000"
    • GID="1000"
    • Set up home directory
  • Copy container-dotfiles project to .dotfiles
    • Copy .zshrc into $HOME
  • Set permissions
  • Set container to run as user lovelace
  • Set HOME to /home/${USERNAME}

Initial Source

See INFO file for details on initial source.
h/t to Viper Science