
Ad block engine used in the Brave browser for ABP filter syntax based lists like EasyList.

Primary LanguageC++Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Deprecated and no longer maintained, use https://github.com/brave/adblock-rust instead!

Build Status

Brave Ad Block

Native node module, and C++ library for Adblock Plus filter parsing for lists like EasyList.

It uses a bloom filter and Rabin-Karp algorithm to be super fast.


This project supports almost all of the EasyList rule formats. It also supports some rule formats specific to other projects, like uBlock and AdGuard. For more details on what rule formats are supported, please see compatibility wiki page.

To include brave/ad-block in your project:

npm install --save ad-block

JS Sample

const { AdBlockClient, FilterOptions } = require('ad-block')
const client = new AdBlockClient()
var b1 = client.matches('http://www.brianbondy.com/public/ad/some-ad', FilterOptions.script, 'slashdot.org')
var b2 = client.matches('http://www.brianbondy.com/public/ad/some-ad', FilterOptions.script, 'digg.com')
console.log('public/ad/* should match b1.  Actual: ', b1)
console.log('public/ad/* should not match b2.  Actual: ', b2)

C++ Sample

#include "ad_block_client.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

string getFileContents(const char *filename)
  ifstream in(filename, ios::in);
  if (in) {
    ostringstream contents;
    contents << in.rdbuf();

void writeFile(const char *filename, const char *buffer, int length)
  ofstream outFile(filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
  if (outFile) {
    outFile.write(buffer, length);

int main(int argc, char**argv) {
  std::string &&easyListTxt = getFileContents("./test/data/easylist.txt");
  const char *urlsToCheck[] = {
    // ||pagead2.googlesyndication.com^$~object-subrequest
    // Should be blocked by: ||googlesyndication.com/safeframe/$third-party
    // Should be blocked by: ||googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt_$third-party
    // Shouldn't be blocked

  // This is the site who's URLs are being checked, not the domain of the URL being checked.
  const char *currentPageDomain = "slashdot.org";

  // Parse easylist
  AdBlockClient client;

  // Do the checks
  std::for_each(urlsToCheck, urlsToCheck + sizeof(urlsToCheck) / sizeof(urlsToCheck[0]), [&client, currentPageDomain](std::string const &urlToCheck) {
    if (client.matches(urlToCheck.c_str(), FONoFilterOption, currentPageDomain)) {
      cout << urlToCheck << ": You should block this URL!" << endl;
    } else {
      cout << urlToCheck << ": You should NOT block this URL!" << endl;

  int size;
  // This buffer is allocate on the heap, you must call delete[] when you're done using it.
  char *buffer = client.serialize(&size);
  writeFile("./ABPFilterParserData.dat", buffer, size);

  AdBlockClient client2;
  // Deserialize uses the buffer directly for subsequent matches, do not free until all matches are done.
  // Prints the same as client.matches would
  std::for_each(urlsToCheck, urlsToCheck + sizeof(urlsToCheck) / sizeof(urlsToCheck[0]), [&client2, currentPageDomain](std::string const &urlToCheck) {
    if (client2.matches(urlToCheck.c_str(), FONoFilterOption, currentPageDomain)) {
      cout << urlToCheck << ": You should block this URL!" << endl;
    } else {
      cout << urlToCheck << ": You should NOT block this URL!" << endl;
  delete[] buffer;
  return 0;

Util for checking URLs

  • Basic checking a URL: node scripts/check.js --host www.cnet.com --location https://s0.2mdn.net/instream/html5/ima3.js
  • Checking a URL with discovery: node scripts/check.js --host www.cnet.com --location "https://slashdot.org?t=1&ad_box_=2" --discover
  • Checking a URL against a particular adblock list: node scripts/check.js --uuid 03F91310-9244-40FA-BCF6-DA31B832F34D --host slashdot.org --location https://s.yimg.jp/images/ds/ult/toppage/rapidjp-1.0.0.js
  • Checking a URL from a loaded DAT file: node scripts/check.js --dat ./out/SafeBrowsingData.dat --host excellentmovies.net --location https://excellentmovies.net
  • Checking a list of URLs: node scripts/check.js --host www.cnet.com --list ./test/data/sitelist.txt
  • Checking a list of URLS with discovery: node scripts/check.js --host www.cnet.com --list ./test/data/sitelist.txt --discover

Developing brave/ad-block

  1. Clone the git repository from GitHub:

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/brave/ad-block

  2. Open the working directory:

    cd ad-block

  3. Install the Node (v5+) dependencies:

    npm install

  4. Install ninja:

      brew install ninja

    Go to the releases page of the Ninja build tool, and download a suitable binary for Windows. Place ninja.exe in a suitable spot. For example, C:\Ninja. Now make sure that CMake can find ninja.exe by adding C:\Ninja to your %PATH%.

Make the node module


Running sample (which also generates a .dat file for deserializing)

make sample

Running tests

make test

Clearing build files

make clean