
A site using re-frame, liberator, boot and more to display active github projects

Primary LanguageCSS

Open Source Clojure Projects

write some code, live forever*

*maybe? you won't know until you try

This is the source code for http://open-source.braveclojure.com/, a directory of active open-source Clojure projects.

The code is, well... not great? Really weird? In a state that only works for one person? Check out the issues if you'd like to help make it better :)

Run it locally

This project uses a GitHub repo as its database (you can view the production repo here: https://github.com/braveclojure/open-source-projects/). To run it locally, first set these environment variables:

export OPEN_SOURCE_GITHUB_PROJECT_REPO=your-project-repo
export OPEN_SOURCE_GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN=your-oauth-token

Learn how to create a GitHub oauth token.

Then, install SassC, a command line tool for compiling Sass.

Next, boot dev will start the server at http://localhost:3000. Boot's super awesome for ClojureScript development and has figwheel-like auto-reloading. Make a change and see it appear!

Brief Code Overview





Feature requests and TODOs tracked in issues.

Pull requests welcome!