Traefik Keycloak

Create self-signed certificates

Copy-Item $env:LOCALAPPDATA/mkcert/rootCA.pem ./data/certs/cacerts.crt
Copy-Item $env:LOCALAPPDATA/mkcert/rootCA-key.pem ./data/certs/cacerts.key

cd ./data/certs
mkcert k8s.local '*.k8s.local' localhost ::1

Update DNS

Add the following entries to your hosts (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts or /etc/hosts) file: k8s.local traefik.k8s.local whoami1.k8s.local whoami2.k8s.local keycloak.k8s.local auth.k8s.local

Start environment

docker-compose up -d

Configure keycloak

Create a client

Create a realm k8s.local to operate in. Create realm

Then create a client for traefik-forward-auth in that realm

Create traefik-forward-auth client

Capture the Client Secret, store it in the .env file and re-apply the docker-compose config.

Also create a user to login with.