Adventure into a Slim Framework
This is my basic have a shot at slim (
I've jazzed it up with the bootstrap framework, hardly ... bit of copy paste
I'm really just trying to understand Slim, I like the look of Lumen, Laravel - wow that's a bit heavy handed, Slim seems lightweight, but needs to do what I want
- Start with empty folder
- Start with this composer file, note that the update command pulls in bootstrap and jQuery
{ { "autoload": { "psr-4": { "": "src/", "home\\": "src/home" } }, "scripts": { "post-update-cmd": [ "[ -d public/css ] || mkdir -p public/css", "[ -d public/js ] || mkdir -p public/js", "cp vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css public/css/", "cp vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js public/js/", "[ -f public/js/jquery.js ] || curl -o public/js/jquery.js" ] } }
- composer req slim/slim slim/psr7 slim/php-view twbs/bootstrap
of importance to me is
- if has to be global and session/form based
- checking out \Application, it pulls in the \middleware\auth - we see
- if it's not session authenticated, it halts progress and shows a form
- unless the method is post in which case
- it looks for the logon
- if if that is not validated it presents a json response
- unless the method is post in which case
- if it's not session authenticated, it halts progress and shows a form
- see dao\users for a really crude and simple data access object which returns an array of 1 user - use your imagination and lookup a database etc ..
- checking out \Application, it pulls in the \middleware\auth - we see
- this is using PHP-View as recommende from [], I've wrapped that in \view to give it some standard layout
- I'm a Model-View-Controller type guy
- DAO are my Data Access Objects where I do my modelling, see the \home folder/namespace for a controller and note the views folder - thats my View/Controller space
and I think this thing gets going