
This is an assessment project for showing up AWS, DynmoDB and React.js experiences

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coding Challenge Guidelines

  1. Create a Serverless framework application.

  2. The serverless application should contain a dynamodb table to house "User" data. Attributes: id: String UUID firstName: String lastName: String email: String

  3. Create Lambdas to create and list items from this DynamoDB table.

  4. Email attribute should be unique.

  5. Make the Lambda function available via an AWS API Gateway endpoint.

  6. Write unit tests for your code by mocking AWS DynamoDB API. You don't have to provide 100% code coverage. Please write some test cases to demonstrate your approach.

  7. Make response JSON:API 1.0 compatible.

  8. Build a REACT application to display and create user data. The application will consist of the following pages:

  • main page to list all the existing users
  • user should be able to delete users
  • a page to create or update existing users
  • authentication of react app is not required

Evaluation Criteria

Please complete as much as you can within 2 hours. We are looking for your approach and coding style rather than complete functionality. Please structure your code in a well defined and readable way.

Useful Links

https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/ https://jsonapi.org/format/1.0/ https://www.npmjs.com/package/aws-sdk-mock


Please organize, design, test and document your code as if it were going into production - then push your changes to the master branch.

All the best,

The CodeSubmit Team

How to run project

  1. Install Serverless framework on your machine

  2. On a terminal, go to backend directory - myvohh-dynamo-assessment

    cd myvohh-dynamo-assessment

  3. start DynamoDB locally

    sls dynamodb start --migrate

  4. On the second terminal, in the same directory, start Serverless Offline plugin to lunch the lambda function server locally, it will be running on port 3000.

    sls offline

  5. On the third terminal, go to frontend directory - frontend

    cd frontend

  6. start frontend.

    npm run start