

  1. Sync project
  2. Run task: notifications > build > buildDockerImage This task is defined in notifications/build.gradle.kts and is simply building docker image via docker-compose
  3. Run docker-compose services by clicking green arrow near "services" in docker/docker.compose.yml
  4. Go to Services panel > Docker-compose: reproducer > notifications > reproducer-notifications-* image. Right click and copy its image SHA id
  5. Change Main.kt file in notifications in any way.
  6. Repeat step 2.
  7. Stop notifications container in Services panel. Then at same Services panel right click and run Start container.
  8. Copy image SHA id. You'll see same ID while we have already rebuilt image at step 6.
  9. Stop the image and start it again by going to "docker-compose.yml" file and pressing greeen arrow next to notifications service.
  10. After it starts copy image id in "Services" panel. You'll see that now it picked up a new image!

Expected behaviour would be to start container with latest built image from "Services" panel similar as if you start it from "docker-compose.yml" file. Alternatively, if current behaviour is considered "the right way", there should be at least an action in context menu of selected service in "Services panel" to update configuration with latest available image