Vehicle Database


An API that returns vehicle models from a database

Uses: Node.js | Express | Sequelize | postgreSQL | Axios

Table of Contents

Current Status

Completed : Database seeded with all models manufactured and sold by Honda in the USA.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js : A back-end JavaScript runtime environment
  • Sequelize : A promise-based Node.js ORM
  • postgreSQL : A relational database

API Used

Data sourced from the NHTSA Product Information Catalog Vehicle Listing.


  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Create an .env file with the following key/value pairs: DB_DEV, DB_DEV_USERNAME, DB_DEV_PASSWORD, DB_DEV_HOST
  3. Create vehicle table in your database npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
  4. Seed Database npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
  5. Start development server: npm run devstart


Route setup at: /api/v1/vehicles/
Insomnia collection file can be found in the api_test folder