
We're going on little tour of redux! In this workshop we'll cover the following topics:

  1. A Minimal Example - Store, Actions, Reducers and Rendering
  2. Using Action Creators
  3. Exercise: Add a Parameterized Action Creator
  4. A More Complicated Example - Constants, Split Reducers and Pure State Updates (yes, it will be a todo app)
  5. Exercise: Add Feature to Remove Items
  6. Reducing Boilerplate Part 1 - combineReducers()
  7. Async Actions - A Naive Approach
  8. Async Actions - What the Thunk?
  9. Exercise: Add an Async Action and Store isLoading State
  10. Using Promise Middleware for Async Actions Part 1 - redux-promise-middleware
  11. Using Promise Middleware for Async Actions Part 2 - Combining redux-thunk and redux-promise-middleware
  12. Exercise: Handling Rejected Promises
  13. Reducing Boilerplate Part 2 - redux-actions
  14. Exercise: Use createActions and handleActions
  15. Using Promise Middleware for Async Actions Part 3 - redux-promise
  16. Exercise: What Happened to Progress? Fix isLoading State
  17. Chaining Async Actions
  18. Wrap Up

Before We Start

You'll need:

  • A working computer with git and Node.js 6.x installed.
  • A working knowledge of JavaScript ES6 - we will be using ES6 features supported in Node.js, but no babel so no import statements or default exports.
  • A fork of this repo's master (please don't skip ahead on branches) - create a branch called workshop rather than working on master.

Note we won't be using react-redux or running anything in a browser for this workshop, this is purely about understanding how redux works.