
Server for ataraxie/codeshovel

Primary LanguageTypeScript

codeshovel - webservice

A simple Spring based web service, delivering ataraxie/codeshovel online.

Running the Web Service


Use this method to run the web service accompanied by a frontend. Create a .env file in the root of the project with all the variables listed in .env.sample. Then from the project directory, run:

docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d


To build an image, from the project directory run:

Docker build -t csweb .

To run a container, run:

Docker run -p <Port to listen on>:8080 \
           -v <Path to csv on host for logging requests>:/requests.csv \
           -v <Path to dir on host for caching repositories>:/cache \
           -e GITHUB_TOKEN=<GitHub Personal Access Token with Read permissions> \

IntelliJ IDEA

Requires Java 8 or higher

Add a Run Configuration following the Spring Boot Application template. Add the recommended environment variables listed below to the Run Configuration. Save the configuration and run the application within IntelliJ IDEA with ^R.

Command Line

Requires Java 8 or higher

In order to run from the command line, first download the most recent version from the releases page. Set the recommended environment variables listed below. Finally, run it as follows:

java -Xmx<Amount of Heap Memory> -jar codeshovel-webservice-XXX.jar

Recommended Environment Variables for use with IntelliJ IDEA and Command Line:

GITHUB_TOKEN=<GitHub Personal Access Token with Read permissions>