Real time Twitter followers banner

Playing around with Feedhive's twitter-api-client


How to setup for your Twitter

Just fill in your API keys which you'll need to apply for a Twitter developer account. It usually get's approved within 5 minutes.

const TWITTER_HANDLE = 'Deveshb15'
const twitterClient = new client.TwitterClient({
  accessToken: "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
  accessTokenSecret: "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN SECRET"

Lastly, change the default banner 1500x500.png. Make sure it's a png (as in the mimetype, not just the file extension). g

Run the script

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start the app:

node index.js


npm start

Keep it running or deploy it on heroku for free and have fun! P.S. If you need any help to deploy it on heroku DM me on Twitter @Deveshb15.

How the script works


  1. Fetch your recent 3 followers using Twitter API. (Rate limit: 180 requests per 15 mins)
  2. Download the profile image of the recent 3 followers.
  3. Use Jimp to add it on banner
  4. Update your profile banner using Twitter API. (Rate limit: 30 requests per 15 mins)

The delay between follow and banner update is between 6s to 15s.

Feel free to contribute to this project, would love to have you as a contributor. Just fork the project, create an issue, and then create a pull request!

P.S. Special thanks to Tony Dinh, this project is inspired by his idea of emojiheader!