- 0
Unable to change background color
#180 opened by mxklb - 0
Como mudar o diretorio de um projeto no NPM
#134 opened by JeffersonLucena - 0
The location map is not going to work any more
#133 opened by ls6 - 27
Área de fotos
#82 opened by fdaciuk - 29
Operation Disassemble DocPad
#109 opened by zenorocha - 1
- 4
Travis build is always failing for NodeJS version 0.8
#126 opened by larruda - 4
Adblock bloqueando imagem de patrocinadores
#119 opened by glaucocustodio - 2
Where is
#120 opened by rponte - 7
- 8
Offline first
#57 opened by zenorocha - 8
full content i18n
#56 opened by elf-pavlik - 4
Create feature for previous conferences
#50 opened by davidsonfellipe - 7
Rethink new CB workflow
#81 opened by bernarddeluna - 5
Conferência com duração de mais de um dia
#103 opened by leaofelipe - 4
- 8
- 4
- 2
- 1
[Mobile] Wrong width in Opera Mobile
#47 opened by jaydson - 2
Custom CSS
#35 opened by keppelen - 0
Revision New Tema
#54 opened by keppelen - 1
Create a new theme
#66 opened by zenorocha - 1
Sections Partners
#55 opened by keppelen - 4
Inconsistência no 'estilo' do código
#91 opened by felquis - 1
Image path should be absolute in OG
#94 opened by leobaiano - 1
Mapa Estático
#93 opened by felquis - 1
Add to showcase.
#104 opened by firminochangani - 10
"Problema" com a classe sponsor-link
#100 opened by AgtLucas - 11
- 5
Main js
#41 opened by kaiquewdev - 13
[Mobile] Desativar o touch no mapa
#43 opened by felquis - 3
- 4
Google maps does not appear in static files
#62 opened by bernarddeluna - 5
docpad.js não funciona no Windows
#75 opened by felquis - 13
Palestrantes em paralelo
#59 opened by nbluis - 2
Sugestão de sessão onde ficar
#73 opened by felquis - 0
- 0
Add "Powered by ConfBoilerplate"
#68 opened by zenorocha - 3
Relative theme path in a tag
#60 opened by bernarddeluna - 5
Remover outros temas na geração do template
#65 opened by keppelen - 2
Toda vez que realizo um deploy a pasta node_modules é excluída do branch master
#53 opened by juarezpaf - 1
Migrate CSS to Less
#52 opened by zenorocha - 12
migrate to less or sass?
#51 opened by davidsonfellipe - 2
Removing jshint errors - main.js
#49 opened by davidsonfellipe - 2
Remove console.log on main.js
#48 opened by davidsonfellipe - 11
Build adicional para App Nativo
#42 opened by felquis - 1
- 2
Atributo title em links do menu
#32 opened by felquis - 5
Problemas com a instalação na versão docpad
#31 opened by felquis