Newest MyQ Update 8/05 keeps getting error message
GHN1013 opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi Brian, I tried updating the MyQ Lite app using Update from Repo on Smarthings IDE page and I keep getting error:
500: Internal Server Error
Reference Id
Thu Aug 12 05:45:54 UTC 2021
A few people have had this issue - it seems to be an issue with some people affecting the SmartThings/GitHub integration. Others have had success by either using the Community Installer or just doing it manually. You could always try a support ticket with SmartThings, though.
Oh ok. Wasn’t sure if it was something related to the update itself. I’ve had successes in past with updates, even as recently as your last update last month, so I don't think it’s the GitHub/ST integration. To install it manually, just follow same instructions you have for copying code and pasting over existing code?
Yes, copy/paste over the existing code will do it. I know the git updates from SmartThings are still working for this (including my own), so I'm not really sure what causes that error. If anyone ever figures it out, and it's something I can change in this repository itself, let me know.
Thank you Brian. I’ll try to copy/paste code in manually.