- 2
Error installing garage doors with sensor
#158 opened by TheDanHealy - 15
MyQ Lite..... nullpointerexception: cannot get property 'devicenetworkid' on null object
#114 opened by NewGuy2021 - 1
- 0
- 3
Make latest changes compatible with Hubitat
#138 opened by mjacobs3761 - 4
- 1
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property deviceNetworkld' on null object.
#155 opened by rocord01 - 1
Still having login error.
#153 opened by zdriver984 - 1
Can't authenticate on mobile app
#150 opened by petegroome - 5
Token Generator
#142 opened by laalfonso - 1
Controlling lights with Z-wave relay
#154 opened by Tylerspapa - 1
MyQ on Smartthings still doesn't work
#149 opened by wxguylit - 14
MyQ Lite Sep update
#130 opened by jeffjaslow - 2
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method post() on null object @line 418 (getVersionInfo)
#148 opened by mase1981 - 1
- 1
Error creating "no sensor" version of SmartApp
#141 opened by bamfuchs - 1
Push button switches don't connect
#143 opened by dirkkniblick - 24
new myq code issues
#145 opened by buckward - 1
- 1
- 1
could you please update the Hubitat version as well?
#144 opened by roficas - 114
MyQ Lite is no longer able to login to
#126 opened by osborne1248 - 23
On/Off switches not working
#137 opened by Coolio098 - 2
No place to update token settings
#135 opened by jkhilbun - 5
myqtokengenerator-win closes
#136 opened by bamfuchs - 0
- 3
- 2
- 7
LastActivity in the device tile shows Temperature event from Open/Close sensor
#116 opened by pottisatish - 1
Copy/paste code help with updates to MyQ Lite
#125 opened by GHN1013 - 1
- 1
- 4
Newest MyQ Update 8/05 keeps getting error message
#124 opened by GHN1013 - 9
Cannot use scene/automation to close garage door
#122 opened by georgesc3 - 4
Device handler update via repo...
#123 opened by rashuge - 2
- 1
MyQ Lite (v3.1.3) Momentary Button Error / Automation
#105 opened by toxsid - 37
- 2
Switches Inoperative?
#111 opened by richleyh - 4
- 2
New install does not work
#113 opened by scottha4 - 1
New Installation - nothing happens
#108 opened by uncdubdiver - 1
MyQ Lite - Scenes in New App
#109 opened by PhillySports - 8
- 2
Not your issue but wonder if you run into it, having to relink IFTTT to Smartthings
#119 opened by TTVert - 11
#120 opened by achachej - 1
MyQ with sensor showing "offline"
#121 opened by Etchay - 19
Receiving warnings on Smarthings app on device
#115 opened by ericadamkatz1 - 7
Link for Momentary Button Tile Doesn't Work
#107 opened by rgn2000 - 10
Has something recently broke
#110 opened by xmaciek82