
Ansible Playbook for installing and configuring Cuckoo Sandbox

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Ansible Playbook for installing and configuring Cuckoo Sandbox

This is not production code yet.

This playbook was inspired by ezetze's ansible-cuckoo with changes to support Cuckoo Sandbox 2.0.

The playbook is tested on Ubuntu 14.04 x64. CentOS 7 w/ SELinux Enforcing support coming soon.

Currently uses Ansible playbook structure with two distinct roles:

  • Cuckoo: This role downloads cuckoo version 2.0-rc1 from official github repository and installs required dependencies.
  • Virtualbox: This role adds the official virtualbox ppa repository for Ubuntu and installs virtualbox.

Additional roles being developed:

  • KVM: This role installs and configures KVM.
  • Postgres: This role installs and configures PostgreSQL.
  • Cuckoo-VPN: This role configures Cuckoo's Per-Analysis Network Routing.

To install cuckoo on a local Ubuntu 14.04 LTS virtual machine clone this repo and issue the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible && apt-get update
sudo apt-get –y install git ansible 
git clone https://github.com/breachintelligence/ansible-cuckoo
cd ansible-cuckoo
sudo ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml --connection=local