
One brightstar vision and values application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Website for Brightstar's 2016 vision and values roll-out.



This site has 3 directories:

  • js : The source javascript files.
  • public : Static files that contain the views. images and compiled source code.
  • scss : The source stylesheets.

Dependencies are managed with Node Package Manager, or npm. See Installation for details.


There are a few things you will need to install first before the making changes to the source files inside js and scss.

  1. Install Node.js (https://nodejs.org).
  2. Install Ruby (https://ruby-lang.org).
  3. Install the Sass gem using the command: gem install sass.
  4. Install the Compass gem using the command: gem install compass.
  5. Install the Gulp CLI using the command: npm install -g gulp-cli.

When all this is complete, you can install the packages required for this project by typing this command while in the project directory (where package.json is located):

npm install

This will install the project dependencies and development tools.


This project uses gulp as its front-end task runner. To compile the project, run this command:


When developing locally, you may also run the watch task. This will watch your files for changes and run compilation steps accordingly.

gulp watch

You may also start a local server which will automatically live-reload your browser after changes are made to your files. This functionality is provided by lite-server and browsersync. See bs-config.json for configuration settings.

npm run dev

Adding a Slide

This project uses angular directives to load slide .html files from the /public/slides directory. To add a slide:

  • Create a new slide .html file inside /public/slides.
  • Find the #Content div in index.html.
  • Create a new section:


  • Inside the #MainNav .link-list, create another link to your slide:

<a href="javascript:;" scroll-to="MySlideName">My Label</a>

The application should be able to take care of the rest. However, you may want to add an image to the preloader if it is large. To do this, edit the preloadImages variable in /js/controllers/app.c.js.