
Cross-platform version of nedclib with improved code + Mac Support

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Nintendo e-Reader Tools ported to multi-platform

Included tools (see here for documentation):

  • raw2bmp
  • nevpk
  • nedcmake
  • nedcenc
  • A ported version of nedclib.dll to be used as a C/C++ library. This can be imported into any number of languages that support C/C++ libraries such as Python, Rust, C/C++, Node (not vanilla JS), etc


Because the e-Reader was a simple device to reverse engineer. These tools allow you to write ARMv7, thumb, Z80, 6502 assembly and inject code into a number of GBA games. For example, you could inject custom events into the Pokemon games.



Nintendo e-Reader dotcode strip tool Version 1.4
Copyrighted by CaitSith2

Usage :
  DcsTool [options]
Options :
  -i <file>             Input File                      (Required)
  -o <file>             Output File                     (Required)
  -dpi <dpi>            DPI Setting                     (Optional, Default 300)
  -MultiStrip           Multistrip raw file mode                (Optional)


Nintendo e-Reader VPK Tool Version 1.4
Copyright CaitSith2

usage :
  nvpktool [options]
options :
  -i <file>            input file                              (Required)
  -o <file>            output file                             (Required)
  -v                   verbose                                 (Optional)
  -c                   compress                                (Required *)
  -d                   decompress                              (Required *)
  -level <value>       compression level (0=store 1=med 2=max  (Default = 2)
                       3 = Discover best lzwindow/lzsize/method)
  -log <file>          Decompression log                       (Default = none)
  (following options are only valid for compression levels 1 & 2)
  -method <value>      compression method (0 or 1)             (Default = 0)
  -lzwindow <value>    lz window size                          (Default = 4096)
  -lzsize <value>      lz max repeat size                      (Default = 256)


Nintendo E-Reader Dotcode bin maker tool Version 1.4
Copyright CaitSith2

usage :
  nedcmaker [options]
options :
  -i <file>          input file                  (required)
  -o <file>          output name                 (optional)
  -type <value>      type (0=nes 1=z80           (required)
                     2 = gba 3 = raw
  -region <value>    region (0=jap 1=usa 2=jap+) (default = usa)
  -name <string>     Application name            (default = none)
  -title <string>    Individual Card Titles      (default = none)
  -dcsize <value>    dcsize (0=long 1=short)     (default = long)
  -fill <value>      fill (0=none 1=filled)      (default = none)
  -save <value>      save (0=no 1=yes)           (default = no)
  -titlemode <value> titlemode (0=short, no individual titles)
                               (1=short, individual card titles)
                               (2=long, no individual titles (default))
                               (3=long, individual card titles)
  -bin               Output bin files             At least one
  -raw               Output raw files             of these options
  -bin               Output bmp files             is required
  -music <value>     music (0=Normal 1=cheery)   (default = normal)
  -help (or -?)      Print extended usage info


Nintendo eReader Dotcode encoder/decoder v1.4
Copyright 2007 CaitSith2

Usage: ./build/mac/nedcenc [options] [-i] infile [[-o] outfile]

        -i      In file (required)
        -o      Out file (required)
        -e      Encode bin 2 raw, Outfile required (Default operation)
        -d      Decode raw 2 bin. Outfile required
        -f      Repair raw file
        -s      Dot code signature (encoding only)
                < - Input hex.
                << - Input <
                > - If inputting hex, end hex input, otherwise input >

nedclib2 library (.o / .dll)


Please read the header file in src/lib/nedclib2.h

Hello, World!

GBA: https://web.archive.org/web/20210514055343/http://users.skynet.be/firefly/gba/download/example/ereader_gba_example_hello_world.zip

Z80: https://web.archive.org/web/20210514055343/http://users.skynet.be/firefly/gba/download/example/ereader_z80_example_hello_world.zip

Mario Sprite

GBA: https://web.archive.org/web/20210514055343/http://users.skynet.be/firefly/gba/download/example/ereader_gba_example_mario_sprite.zip

Z80: https://web.archive.org/web/20210514055343/http://users.skynet.be/firefly/gba/download/example/ereader_z80_example_mario_sprite.zip

Custom Background

GBA: https://web.archive.org/web/20210514055343/http://users.skynet.be/firefly/gba/download/example/ereader_gba_example_custom_background.zip

Z80: https://web.archive.org/web/20210514055343/http://users.skynet.be/firefly/gba/download/example/ereader_z80_example_custom_background.zip