
Diagrams for math-related objects for facilitation keep-in-mind-a-lot-of-things sake. NLP, statistics, ML, optimization

Hello! This repo contains some mindmaps for topics I am interested in. It is mainly connected to mathematics, optimization and machine learning. Some of them could deviate though.

Mindmaps are included in two languages — russian (as my native language) and english (not yet though). I have made them for educational purposes, but you can deal with them as you want. Also later I will add original .xmind files, as mindmaps made in XMind app.

For the big maps (not for all) I also added their components, — you may check the nlp one, for example.

Here you can see a part of such a map: Part of nlp in russian, language models

NLP part is made using YSDA's NLP course and Pavel Braslavsky's course. Some parts are done by using PRML book + ESLII book. Parts on Deep CV & graphics is done with YSDA's DCVG course.