
Zero allocation tweening library for Unity3D.

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

2024-02-24-STween-ezgif com-crop(1)

STween - Zero allocation tweening library for Unity3D

Works for both runtime and edit-mode (editor).


Installation & Requirements
Requirements :

  • Unity3D version 2022 and above.

Installation :

  • Download the release .unitypackage on the right hand side.
  • OR Download the .zip file and extract it to your project.
  • OR git clone it.
  • Pick the easiest for you :)

Features :

  • Move
  • Rotation (Quats, Eulers etc)
  • Scale
  • Curve based tweening (splines, bezier, parabolic, sine, spiral)
  • Easings
  • AnimationCurve
  • Can be async-awaited (as Task)
  • Can be yielded (coroutine)
  • Speed Based Tweening
  • Event dispatching
  • Queues
  • Tweening UIElements(UIToolkit)
  • Values(float, int, Vectors, Matix4x4, Quaternion, Rect, etc..)
  • Attachable MonoBehavior components.
  • Audio interpolations
  • Material/shader property interpolation
  • VFXGraph property interpolation //Requires vfxgraph to be installed
  • Custom tween

High performance version of this lib : CTween

How the pooling works Internally, STween heavily utilizes object pooling and with weakReferences as a fallback when there's not enough resources can be taken from the pool. STween is feature packed compared to CTween.

A deltatime simulation is needed for the duration-based interpolators to work properly to get the timing as close as possible to the runtime.


//First add the namespace
using Breadnone;

Move, Rotate, Scale, Translation

/// Move :
STween.move(gameObject, new Vector3(50, 0, 0), 5f).setEase(Ease.EaseInOutQuad).setLoop(2);

//Repositioning on start
STween.move(gameObject, new Vector3(80, 0, 0), 3f).setEase(Ease.EaseInQuad).setLoop(2).setFrom(new Vector3(20, 0, 0)).setId(12);

//Not affected by Time.timeScale.
STween.move(gameObject, new Vector3(0, 90, 0), 2f).setUnscaledTime(true).setId(12);

//Move to another gameObject as target position
STween.move(gameObject, target.transform, 2f);

//Single axis : moves along X axis 
STween.moveX(gameObject, 35, 5f);

//Single axis : moves along Y axis
STween.moveY(gameObject, 35, 3f);

//Single axis : moves along Z axis
STween.moveZ(gameObject, 25, 5f);

//Local positions :
STween.moveLocal(gameObject, new Vector3(12, 43, 34), 4f);
STween.moveLocalX(gameObject, 22, 2f);
STween.moveLocalY(gameObject, 40, 2f);
STween.moveLocalZ(gameObject, 120, 10f);

/// Rotate :
//Speed based rotation that takes a degree angle with pingpong-like movement/cycle
STween.rotate(gameObject, new Vector3(0, 0, 90), 3f).setSpeed(4f).setLoopPingPong(2);

//Speed based rotation that takes a degree angle from the object's origin.
STween.rotateAround(gameObject, new Vector3(120f, 40f, 1f), 3f).setSpeed(4f).setLoopPingPong(2);

//Single axis rotations
STween.rotateX(gameObject, 90, 2f);
STween.rotateY(gameObject, 90, 2f);
STween.rotateZ(gameObject, 90, 2f);
STween.rotateLocalX(gameObject, 90, 2f);
STween.rotateLocalY(gameObject, 90, 2f);
STween.rotateLocalZ(gameObject, 90, 2f);

/// Scale :
STween.scale(gameObject, new Vector3(2f, 2f, 2f), 4f);

// Single axis scaling : 
STween.scaleX(gameObject, 2, 4f);
STween.scaleY(gameObject, 3, 4f);
STween.scaleZ(gameObject, 2, 4f);

STween.translate(gameObject, new Vector3(30, 0, 0), 6f);
STween.translateLocal(gameObject, new Vector3(30, 0, 0), 6f); // LocalSpace translation.

// Move along path :
var destinations = new Vector3[]{new Vector3(10, 10, 10), new Vector3(30, 10, 10), new Vector3(30, 10, 50), 5f};
STween.moveToPoints(gameObject, destinations, 8f);

Pause, Resume, Cancel


// OR
STween.Cancel(12); // Cancels via the assigne custom id.

// Cancel via token
STween.moveX(gameObject, 20f, 2f).setCancelToken(myCancellationTokenSource);

STween.Resume(12); //Resumes via the assigned custom id

// To cancel all

//To resume all paused tweens

///To pause all cancelled tweens

Value Based Interpolation

STween.value(0, 100, value =>{Debug.Log(value);});
STween.value(Vector3.zero, new Vector3(120, 200, 300), value =>{Debug.Log(value);});
STween.value(Vector2.zero, new Vector2(120, 200), value =>{Debug.Log(value);});
STween.value(Vector4.zero, new Vector4(120, 200, 300, 100), value =>{Debug.Log(value);});
STween.value(Quaternion.identity, myQuat, value =>{Debug.Log(value);});

//Value chaining : Uses same duration or time. Can be chained as much as you want
STween.value(0f, 10f, 5f, tick => Debug.Log("Test"))
.value(0, 15, tick => Debug.Log("Test1"))
.value(0, 15, tick => Debug.Log("Test2"))
.value(0, 15, tick => Debug.Log("Test3"));

//Value queueing : Queuing individual value interpoaltor. Can be chained as much as you want.
STween.value(0f, 10f, 5f, tick => Debug.Log("Test1"))
.qvalue(0f, 15f, tick => Debug.Log("Test2"))
.qvalue(0f, 15f, tick => Debug.Log("Test3"))
.qvalue(0f, 15f, tick => Debug.Log("Test4"));

Curves (spline, bezier, parabolic, sine)

/// Spline : Quadratic curve based interpolation.
var tform = gameObject.transform.position;
STween.spline(gameObject.transform, new Vector3(tform.x + 50, tform.y + 100, tform.z), new Vector3(tform,x + 100, tform.y, tform,z), 3f);

/// Bezier curves : Move along bezier corves
var arr = new List<Vector3>{target.position, fromTarget.position, lastTarget.position, moveRectTransform.position};
STween.bezier(obj.transform, arr, duration * 3f);

Scheduling or Tween Sequence

STween.scaleX(gameObject, 2f, 4f)
.next(STween.scaleY(gameObject, 3f, 4f))
.next(STween.scaleY(gameObject, 4f, 4f));

//Scheduling a delegate to be executed later.
STween.execLater(5f, ()=> {Debug.Log("will be executed later in 5 seconds");});

// Lazy queue : Lazily queueing on already running tween. Wll run after the targeted tween finishes.
STween.queue(id :2, STween.scale(gameObject, new Vector3(2f, 2f, 2f), 5f));


STween.move(gameObject, new Vector3(0, 90, 0), 2f).setOnComplete(()=> Debug.Log("Was completed")); //Executed on complete
STween.move(gameObject, new Vector3(0, 90, 0), 2f).setOnUpdate(x=> Debug.Log(x)); //Executed every frame with the value as it's event args

Asynchronous Tweening

///Asynchoronous awaiting : Asynchonously awaiting a tween instance to finished via async/await.
async Task AwaitAsTask()
    await STween.move(gameObject, target.transform, 2f).AsTask();

///Yielding as coroutine : Waiting a tween to finished via coroutine.
IEnumerator MyCoroutine()
    yield return STween.move(gameObject, target.transform, 2f).AsCoroutine();

Create Your Own Tweening Library
STween is a one powerful tweening library and highly extendable. You can make your own tweening library on top of it pretty easily by utilizing the built-in custom interpolators:

  • STFloat : Floating point type interpolator
  • STInt : Integer type interpolator
  • STVector2 : Vector2 type interpolator
  • STVector3 : Vector3 type interpolator
  • STVector4 : Vector4 type interpolator
  • STRectangle : Rect typpe interpolator
  • STMatrix : Matrix4x4 interpolator
  • STQuaternion : Quaternion interpolator

PlayerLoop & Execution Order
STween uses it's own custom Update timing that gets triggered before any script Updates via PlayerLoop api in Unity3D.
So the order is like this : GetTween => SendToUpdatePool => Queued for the nextfame => All MonoBehaviors Script.

You can get zero allocation all the time as long as you're accessing via STween apis. There are exceptions, such as custom interpolators other than STFloat might resulted in 128 bytes allocation, this is due to extra delegate instantiation assigned to them internally. 128 bytes is like nothing and much much less compared to the more popular nextdoor neighbor :)


Main APIs : Can be chained with helper apis

  • STween.move : Moves gameObject in worldSpace : input : GameObject, Transform, RectTransform, VisualElement, Vector3, Vector2
  • STween.moveLocal : Moves gameObject in localSpace : input : GameObject, Transform, RectTransform, VisualElement, Vector3, Vector2
  • STween.moveToNearest : Moves to the closes point.
  • STween.rotate : Rotates gameObject in worldSpace : input : GameObject, Transform, RectTransform, Quaternion, VisualElement, Vector3, float
  • STween.rotateLocal : Rotate gameObject in localSpace : input : GameObject, Transform, RectTransform, VisualElement, Vector3, Vector2, float
  • STween.rotateAround : Rotates around gameObject in worldSpace : input : GameObject, Transform, RectTransform, Vector3, Vector2
  • STWeen.rotateAroundLocal : Rotatesaround gameObject in localSpace : input : GameObject, Transform, RectTransform, Vector3, Vector2
  • STween.scale : Manipulates localScale of a gameObject : input : GameObject, Transform, RectTransform, Vector3, Vector2
  • STween.size : Manipulates rectangle bounds size of a UI/canvas element : input : RectTransform, VisualElement, Vector3, Vector2
  • STween.spline : Moves along spline paths : input : GameObject, Vector3
  • STween.bezier : Moves along bezier paths : input : GameObject, Transform, List
  • STween.parabolic : Moves gameObject in parabolic paths : input : GameObject, Transform, Vector3, Vector2
  • STween.sine : Moves gameObject in sine waves : input : GameObject, Transform, Vector3, Vector2
  • STween.value : Value intepolator supports : float, int, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Matrix4x4, Quaternion, Rect
  • STween.create : Create custom tween to interpolate any public properties. This is still EXPERIMENTAL
  • STween.queue : Lazily queue multiple tweens in succession.
  • STween.Cancel : Cancels single tween : input : (optional)GameObject, (optional)int
  • STween.Resume : Resumes a paused tween : input : (optional)GameObject, (optional)int
  • STween.ResumeAll : Resumes all paused tweens(if any).
  • STween.Pause : Pauses a tween : input : (optional)GameObject, (optional)int
  • STween.PauseAll : Pause all tweens(if any).
  • STween.alpha : Interpolates the level of opacity : input : Canvas, Image, VisualElement
  • STween.color : Hue-shifting between two colors : input : GameObject, VisualElement, Color
  • STween.slider : Interpolates the float value property of a slider : input : Slider
  • STween.sliderInt : Interpolates the float value property of a slider : input : Slider
  • STween.shaderFloat : Interpolates a float shader property of a material : input : Material, float
  • STween.shaderVector2 : Interpolates a Vector2 shader property of a material : input : Material, Vector2
  • STween.shaderVector3 : Interpolates a Vector3 shader property of a material : input : Material, Vector3
  • STween.shaderVector4 : Interpolates a Vector4 shader property of a material : input : Material, Vector4
  • STween.shaderInt : Interpolates a integer shader property of a material : input : Material, int
  • STween.vfxFloat : Interpolates a float property of a vfxgraph component : input : Material, float
  • STween.vfxInt : Interpolates a integer property of a vfxgraph component : input : Material, int
  • STween.vfxVector2 : Interpolates a Vector2 property of a vfxgraph component : input : Material, Vector2
  • STween.vfxVector3 : Interpolates a Vector3 property of a vfxgraph component : input : Material, Vector3
  • STween.vfxVector4 : Interpolates a Vector4 property of a vfxgraph component : input : Material, Vector4
  • STween.punch
  • STween.updateMoe : (Experimental)Attampts to update the moving tween.

Helper apis : can be chained to main api, e.g : STween.move(go, to, duration).setLoop(2);

  • setLoop : Set the loop count.
  • setEase : Set easing function.
  • setPingpong : PingPong style loop cycle.
  • setOnUpdate : Callback on every frame while tweening.
  • setOnComplete : Callback when a tween has completed.
  • setDelay : Delayed startup of a tween.
  • setAnimationCurve : Easing function based on AnimationCurve.
  • setId : Custom id.
  • setUnscaledTime : True = will not be affected by Time.timeScale
  • setSpeed : Constant speed based tween.
  • setOnCompleteRepeat : OnComplete callback will be repeatedly invoked on each loop cycle.
  • setDestroyOnComplete : Destroys the gameObject on completion.
  • setCancelOn : Cancelling based on a condition/predicate.
  • setPauseOn : Pausing based on a condition/predicate.
  • setResumeOn : Resuming based on a condition/predicate.
  • setFrom : Re-positioning on startup.
  • setLookAt : Focuses on the target's transform.
  • setOnInit : Callback on initialization (startup).
  • setActiveOnComplete : Set the active state of a gameObject on completion.
  • setActiveOnStart : Set the active state of a gameObject on startup.
  • setAudioOnStart : Play audioSource on startup.
  • setAudioOnComplete : Play audioSource on completion.
  • setSkip : Frame skipping effect (Experimental).
  • setCancelToken : Cancellation via CancellationTokenSource.
  • getLoopCount : Callback to get the running loopCount.
  • getTime : Callback to get the running time.
  • next : Sequential queuing.
  • delay : Delay the tween queue.
  • waitFor : Waits for a tween to finished.
  • waitUntil : Wait until condition to be met.
  • waitAll : Wait all active tweens to be finished (if any).

Extensions : can be chained to both main and helper apis.

  • AsCoroutine : Waiting for a tween instance to finished in a coroutine.
  • AsTask : Awaiting asynchronously(async/await) a tween instance.
  • next : Tween chaining via fluent interface.
  • delay : Adds a delay to a queue.
  • styleLerp : Interpolates the IStyle (.style) interface members of a visualElement.
  • lerpFloat : supported components => TextMeshPro, UIToolkit textElement/fields.
  • lerpVector2 : supported components => TextMeshPro, UIToolkit textElement/fields.
  • lerpVector3 : supported components => TextMeshPro, UIToolkit textElement/fields.
  • lerpVector4 : supported components => TextMeshPro, UIToolkit textElement/fields.
  • lerpMatrix4 : supported components => TextMeshPro, UIToolkit textElement/fields.
  • lerpPosition : Moves a gameobject/visualElement/ui
  • lerpPositionLocal : Moves a gameObject in localSpace.
  • lerpScale : Directly scales a gameOobject/visualElement/ui.
  • lerpRotation : Rotates a gameObject in worldSpace.
  • lerpRotationLocal : Rotate an object in localSpace.
  • lerpWidth : Sets the width of a visualElement(uitoolkit).
  • lerpHeight : Sets the height of a visualElement(uitoolkit).
  • lerpSize : Sets the delta size of a RectTransform.
  • lerpColor : Interpolates the color of a gameobject/visualElement/ui
  • moveByTag : Moves a gameobject after finding it in the scane by it's tag.
  • scaleByTag : Scales a gameobject after finding it in the scane by it's tag.
  • rotateByTag : Rotates a gameobject after finding it in the scane by it's tag.
  • lerpMaterial : Interpolates a shader property of a material.
  • audioFadeIn : Fades in effect of an AudioSource.
  • audioFadeOut : Fades out effect of an AudioSource.
  • audioFadeGlobalIn : Fades in effect for the static singleton AudioListener.
  • audioFadeGlobalOut : Fades out effect for the static AudioListener.
  • sliderUI : Interpolates the slider value.
  • lerpEuler : Euler angle based rotation in worldSpace.
  • lerpEulerLocal : Euler angle based rotation in localSpace.
  • lerpAngleAxis : Quaternion AngleAxis based rotation.
  • lerpFromToRotation : Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection.
  • lerpEulerAngles : Quaternion euler based rotation.
  • lerpRotateTowards : Rotates a rotation from towards to.

//Dispatch api : Note "dispatching" is quite a risky move. Use it as neede only. STween.dispatchTime : Dispatching the already assigned time/duration. STween.dispatchTarget : Dispatching a new target. STween.dispatchFrom : Dispatching the start of tween. STween.dispatchSpeed : Dispatching a speed value. STween.dispatchDelay : Dispatching a delayed time. STween.dispatchLoop : Dispatching a loop count. STween.dispatchInvokeRepeat : Dispatching the repeat cycle. STween.dispatchInvokeResetLoop : Dispatching the reset timing.
STween.flushEvents : Clearing all assigned delegates.

Combine OR Multiple Tweens in a Sequence
STween can do multiple tweens at once on a single Transform/GameObject out of the box without any special apis :)

Works In Edit-mode (Non-PlayMode)

There are lots more APIs that aren't too common internally but they're exposed and ready to use so you can just take a peek at the written code documentations/summaries in the scripts.
STween is geared towards features, while CTween.

Note : All extensions related to VFXGraph are disabled by default due to Unity requires to install HDRP package to use VFXGraph.
Uncomment the extension and the namespace in SlimTween -> Scripts -> STweenExtended.cs

This lib is inspired by the legendary LeanTween, thus you can see lots of similarities in the naming convention.