
A curated list of awesome smartnic tutorials, papers and projects.

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Awesome SmartNIC


  • Unleashing SmartNIC Packet Processing Performance in P4. Jiarong Xing, et.al. SIGCOMM, 2023 [Paper], [Code]
  • Characterizing Off-path SmartNIC for Accelerating Distributed Systems. Xingda Wei, et.al. OSDI, 2023 [Paper], [Code]
  • SmartDS: Middle-Tier-centric SmartNIC Enabling Application-aware Message Split for Disaggregated Block Storage. Jie Zhang, et.al. ISCA, 2023 [Paper]
  • Towards Accelerating Data Intensive Application's Shuffle Process Using SmartNICs. Jiaxin Lin, et.al. SIGMETRICS, 2023 [Paper]
  • Rearchitecting the TCP Stack for I/O-Offloaded Content Delivery. Taehyun Kim, et.al. NSDI, 2023 [Paper]
  • RingLeader: Efficiently Offloading Intra-Server Orchestration to NICs. Jiaxin Lin, et.al. NSDI, 2023 [Paper]
  • OXDP: Offloading XDP to SmartNIC for Accelerating Packet Processing. Feng Wang, et.al. ICPADS, 2023 [Paper]
  • Adaptive SmartNIC Offloading for Unleashing the Performance of Protocol-Oblivious Forwarding. Qian Zhang, et.al. IOT, 2023. [Paper]
  • Towards portable end-to-end network performance characterization of SmartNICs. Tong Xing, et.al. APSys, 2022 [Paper]
  • AlNiCo: SmartNIC-accelerated Contention-aware Request Scheduling for Transaction Processing. Junru Li, et.al. ATC, 2022 [Paper]
  • FpgaNIC: An FPGA-based Versatile 100Gb SmartNIC for GPUs. Zeke Wang, et.al. ATC, 2022 [Paper] [Code]
  • Faster Software Packet Processing on FPGA NICs with eBPF Program Warping. Marco Bonola, et.al. ATC, 2022 [Paper]
  • FlexTOE: Flexible TCP Offload with Fine-Grained Parallelism. Rajath Shashidhara, et.al. NSDI, 2022 [Paper] [Code]
  • LineFS: Efficient SmartNIC Offload of a Distributed File System with Pipeline Parallelism. Jongyul Kim, et.al. SOSP, 2021 [Paper]
  • Automated SmartNIC Offloading Insights for Network Functions.Yiming Qiu, et.al. SOSP, 2021 [Paper]
  • Xenic: SmartNIC-Accelerated Distributed Transactions. Jongyul Kim, et.al. SOSP, 2021 [Paper]
  • Gimbal: Enabling Multi-tenant Storage Disaggregation on SmartNIC JBOFs. Jaehong Min, et.al. SIGCOMM, 2021 [Paper]
  • The nanoPU: A Nanosecond Network Stack for Datacenters. Stephen Ibanez, et.al. OSDI, 2021 [Paper] [Slide]
  • Enabling Compute-Communication Overlap in Distributed Training Platforms. Saeed Rashidi, et.al. ISCA, 2021 [Paper]
  • Autonomous NIC offload. Boris Pismenny, et.al. ASPLOS, 2021 [Paper]
  • The Programmable Data Plane: Abstractions, Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications. Oliver Michel, et.al. ACM Computing Surveys, 2021 [Paper]
  • hXDP: Efficient Software Packet Processing on FPGA NICs. Marco Spaziani Brunella, et.al. OSDI, 2020 [Paper] [Slide] [Code]
  • PANIC: A High-Performance Programmable NIC for Multi-tenant Networks. Jiaxin Lin, et. al. OSDI, 2020 [Paper] [Slide] [Code] [Code_cocotb_version]
  • Clara: Performance Clarity for SmartNIC Offloading. Yiming Qiu, et.al. HotNets, 2020 [Paper]
  • SmartNIC Performance Isolation with FairNIC: Programmable Networking for the Cloud. Stewart Grant, et.al. SIGCOMM, 2020 [Paper]
  • A Case for SmartNIC-accelerated Private Communication. Duckwoo Kim, et.al. APNet, 2020 [Paper]
  • Corundum: An Open-Source 100-Gbps NIC. Alex Forencich, et.al. FCCM, 2020 [Paper] [Slide] [Code]
  • Lynx: A SmartNIC-driven Accelerator-centric Architecture for Network Servers. Maroun Tork, et.al. ASPLOS, 2020 [Paper] [Slide] [Code]
  • LeapIO: Efficient and Portable Virtual NVMe Storage on ARM SoCs. Huaicheng Li, et.al. ASPLOS, 2020 [Paper]
  • AccelTCP: Accelerating Network Applications with Stateful TCP Offloading. YoungGyoun Moon, et.al. NSDI, 2020 [Paper]
  • iPipe: A Framework for Building Distributed Applications on SmartNICs. Ming Liu, et.al. SIGCOMM, 2019 [Paper] [Slide]
  • E3: Energy-Efficient Microservices on SmartNIC-Accelerated Servers. Ming Liu, et.al. USENIX ATC, 2019 [Paper]
  • NICA: An Infrastructure for Inline Acceleration of Network Applications. Haggai Eran, et.al. USENIX ATC, 2019 [Paper] [Code]
  • UniSec: a unified security framework with SmartNIC acceleration in public cloud. Jinli Yan, et.al. TURC, 2019
  • Loom: Flexible and Efficient NIC Packet Scheduling. Brent Stephens, et.al. NSDI, 2019 [Paper]
  • Floem: A Programming System for NIC-Accelerated Network Applications. Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana, et.al. OSDI, 2018 [Paper] [Slide]
  • Your Programmable NIC Should be a Programmable Switch. Brent Stephens, et.al. HotNets, 2018 [Paper]
  • INCEPTIONN: A Network-Centric Hardware/Algorithm Co-Design to Accelerate Distributed Training of Deep Neural Networks. Youjie Li, et. al. MICRO 2018 [Paper] [Slide]
  • Accelerating Flow Processing Middleboxes with Programmable NICs. YoungGyoun Moon, et.al. ACM APSys, 2018 [Paper]
  • Towards Converged SmartNIC Architecture for Bare Metal and Public Clouds at Tencent Scale. Layong Luo. APNet, 2018 [Slide]
  • Beyond SmartNICs: Towards a Fully Programmable Cloud (Invited Paper). Adrian Caulfield, et.al. HPSR, 2018 [Paper]
  • Azure Accelerated Networking: SmartNICs in the Public Cloud. Daniel Firestone, et.al. NSDI, 2018 [Paper]
  • UNO: unifying host and smart NIC offload for flexible packet processing. Yanfang Le, et.al. SoCC 2017 [Paper]
  • KV-Direct: High-Performance In-Memory Key-Value Store with Programmable NIC. Bojie Li, et.al. SOSP, 2017 [Paper]
  • IncBricks: Toward InNetwork Computation with an In-Network Cache. Ming Liu, et.al. ASPLOS, 2017 [Paper]
  • ClickNP: Highly Flexible and High Performance Network Processing with Reconfigurable Hardware. Bojie Li, et.al. SIGCOMM, 2016 [Paper]
  • High Performance Packet Processing with FlexNIC. Antoine Kaufmann, et.al. ASPLOS, 2016 [Paper] [Slide]
  • FlexNIC: Rethinking Network DMA. Antoine Kaufmann, et.al. HotOS, 2015 [Paper] [Slide]
  • Security Offload Using the SmartNIC, A Programmable 10 Gbps Ethernet NIC. Gerald Sabin, et.al. NAECON, 2015 [Paper]


  • Performance Characteristics of the BlueField-2 SmartNIC. Jianshen Liu, et.al. Preprint, 2021[Paper]

  • Cisco Nexus SmartNIC. Cisco. 2021 [Website]

  • InnovaTM-2 Flex Open Programmable SmartNIC. Mellanox. 2020 [Datasheet]

  • Investigating Scientific Workload Acceleration using BlueField SmartNICs. Brody Williams, et.al. OSTI.GOV/Technical Report, 2020 [Report]

  • Fungible Ups Data-Center Efficiency. Bob Wheeler, The Linley Group, 2020

  • Mellanox Right-Sizes Smart-NIC SoC. Bob Wheeler, The Linley Group, 2019

  • Pensando, Xilinx Debut Smart NICs. Bob Wheeler, The Linley Group, 2020

  • Exploring Mellanox Bluefield SmartNICs as Accelerators for Heterogeneous Architectures. Brody Williams, et.al. OSTI.GOV/Technical Report, 2019 [Report]

  • How to Design SmartNICs Using FPGAs to Increase Server Compute Capacity. Achronix, 2019 [Website]


  • Hellosnic: An elementary-level smartnic example, with fpga-based integrated structure. [Code]
  • OpenSNAPI: Toward a Unified API for SmartNICs [Website] [Report]
  • OpenNIC: An FPGA-based NIC platform for the open source community. Xilinx. [Website] [Related Projects: open-nic-shell, driver] [Video]
  • ESnet SmartNIC hardware design repository. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. [Code]

