Emulation guided disassembler for Super Nintendo games. Aimed at helping user understand Snes games in order to change them!
It works by saving data during a emulator play session. Using this data snestistics can quickly generate assembler source. Annotations about functions and data can be added to make the assembler source code more readable. This enables a very quick iterative work-flow where you can read the assembler source, add/change annotations and then re-generate the source.
For more information see the project page at https://breakin.github.io/snestistics.
First get the source code (here using git bash):
git clone https://github.com/breakin/snestistics
cd snestistics
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
Then use cmake to generate a Visual Studio solution (or something else). I prefer pointing cmake-gui to the root-directory of cmake. Make sure you choose a build directory that you like; cmake will fill it with many files. I usually put it in snestistics-build next to snestistics.
Building in Visual Studio is straightforward and if you build the INSTALL-project snestistics.exe will be placed in the install directory you specified with cmake-gui.
A pre-built Windows version of the modified emulator can be found in the repository (in /deps).
- breakin
- optiroc. Tons of suggestions on how to improve assembler view.
While not active contributors I've had a lot of help from the snes9x source code. I hope to be able to contribute back somehow!
Feel free to engage with me at twitter! NOTE: We will not provide ROMs. All ROMs we've used has been extracted from cartridges that we own.