
Seq2Parse: Error Correcting Parsing using a Transformer Classifier

Primary LanguageTeX

Seq2Parse: Neurosymbolic Parse Error Repair

Getting Started

Let's quickly walk through setting up a development environment.

All programs mentioned below should be able to run on a multicore 16GB RAM laptop, with or without a dedicated GPU. For training the machine learning (ML) model, a modern GPU would be required, but since the training data are not publicly available we provided the pre-trained model. The code requires at least Python 3.7.5 and ideally Python 3.10.x, since it was tested mainly with the latest version.

Getting the source

All Seq2Parse code is available at this GitHub repo and a demo website that runs Seq2Parse can be found here. You can clone the code and the pre-trained model using:

~ $ git clone https://github.com/gsakkas/seq2parse.git
~ $ cd seq2parse/src


This project uses Python (3.10) for learning/executing the model and generating the parse error repairs for new programs. We recommend using virtualenv.

~/seq2parse/src $ virtualenv .venv
~/seq2parse/src $ source .venv/bin/activate
~/seq2parse/src $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Our ML models use tensorflow and CPU-only support is enough for predictions and Seq2Parse, but it might run a bit slow. For GPU support and more information on tensorflow see the online instructions.

In case Python 3.10 is not available, Python 3.8 can be used with virtualenv, with the following commands:

~/seq2parse/src $ virtualenv -p 3.8 .venv
~/seq2parse/src $ source .venv/bin/activate
~/seq2parse/src $ pip install -r requirements_3_8.txt


Let's run a quick test to make sure everything was installed correctly. We'll use the pre-trained Transformer classifier to predict a set of error rules and then generate a parse error repair for the paper example.

To run Seq2Parse, execute the following command:

~/seq2parse/src $ python seq2parse.py python-grammar.txt ./models 0 human_study/orig_paper.py

You should get the following output:

Total params: 5,270,550
Trainable params: 5,270,550
Non-trainable params: 0
1/1 [==============================] - 1s 804ms/step
-------------Original Buggy Program---------------
def foo(a):
    return a + 42

def bar(a):
    b = foo(a) + 17
    return b +

-----------------Repaired Program-----------------
def foo(a):
    return a + 42

def bar(a):
    b = foo(a) + 17
    return b


The command line output should include the ML model architecture at the start, followed by the lines with Original Buggy Program and Repaired Program near the end. Those sections show the original buggy input program orig_paper.py and the repaired program that Seq2Parse produces. We observe that the last line return b + is fixed by removing the extra + operator.

Reproducing the evaluation (Step-by-Step Instructions)

Part of the paper evaluation can not be reproduced due the private dataset that we used. We provide the full anonymized test set for some parts of the evaluation and a very small subset of it when the full programs are needed.

Accuracy (Sec. 7.1)

The first experiment compares the accuracy of our transformer classifiers. We provide the pre-trained model and all the necessary auxiliary files in the models directory. We also provide an anonymized test set of the abstracted program token sequences with the ground truth error production rules in datasets/erule-test-set-generic.txt Each line consists of the abstracted sequences, the error rules, the number of token changes and time the original author of the program needed to fix it.

The following command will make predictions for the whole test set. It will take a couple of minutes to finish.

~/seq2parse/src $ python predict_eccp_classifier_partials.py python-grammar.txt ./datasets/erule-test-set-generic.txt ./models 0 false

The output should look like this:

Total params: 5,270,550
Trainable params: 5,270,550
Non-trainable params: 0
957/957 [==============================] - 46s 47ms/step
>> Top 10 predictions accuracy: 70.65437667516507
>> Top 10 predictions acc. (rare): 53.609083536090836
>> Top 20 predictions accuracy: 79.55481466954305
>> Top 20 predictions acc. (rare): 66.01784266017843
>> Top 50 predictions accuracy: 90.16800679871871
>> Top 50 predictions acc. (rare): 78.02108678021087
>> Threshold predictions accuracy: 77.46616983722298
>> Threshold predictions acc. (rare): 62.530413625304135
>> Num. of rare programs: 1233 (4.030202000392234%)
>> Avg. Number of threshold predictions: 14.086029940511212
>> Median Number of threshold predictions: 14
>> Min Number of threshold predictions: 2
>> Max Number of threshold predictions: 20

The Top N predictions accuracy lines show the accuracy for the top N predicted error rules, presented in the Abstracted blue bar in the paper's Figure 13. Additionally, the Top N predictions acc. (rare) lines show the the rare programs accuracy in the Abstracted green bar in Figure 13. Finally, Threshold predictions accuracy and Threshold predictions acc. (rare) show the Threshold accuracies of Figure 13.

Repaired Program Preciseness & Efficiency (Sec. 7.2 & 7.3)

Unfortunately, we can't provide the full dataset to reproduce the program repair rates. We will show though the repair rate for the 50 public programs that we used for our human study, that can be found in the human_study directory. Each program_N subdirectory contains the original buggy program original.py, the user fix user_fix.py, the Seq2Parse repair eccp_repair.py along with other auxiliary files. All these programs are included at our website demo, where we run a smaller version of Seq2Parse.

Run the human_study evaluation with run_parse_test_time_top_n_small.py, a smaller version of run_parse_test_time_top_n_preds_partials.py which runs the full test set evaluation but requires the private dataset. This evaluation will take approximately 6 minutes on a modern laptop to complete the automated repair and data analysis using the pre-trained transformer classifier for the predicting error rules.

~/seq2parse/src $ python run_parse_test_time_top_n_small.py python-grammar.txt ./human_study ./models 20 10 predict

and we expect an output similar to this:

2/2 [==============================] - 1s 31ms/step
Programs to repair: 50
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [05:27<00:00,  6.56s/it]
Dataset size: 50
Parse accuracy (%): 100.0
Mean parse time (sec): 6.458792008679957
Median parse time (sec): 1.8143638589972397
Dataset repaired faster than user (%): 96.0
User fix accuracy (%): 10.0
All error locations fixed accuracy (%): 62.0
Any error locations fixed accuracy (%): 90.0
1 sec: Parse accuracy = 22.0
5 sec: Parse accuracy = 80.0
10 sec: Parse accuracy = 86.0
15 sec: Parse accuracy = 90.0
20 sec: Parse accuracy = 94.0
25 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
30 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
35 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
40 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
45 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
50 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
55 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
60 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0

Parse accuracy shows how many programs were repaired and parsed by Seq2Parse and uses the MinimumCost approach from Figure 14. Median parse time shows the median time needed to repair and parse a program in this set. The rest of the results are also self-explanatory.

For the 20 Most Popular approach on Figure 14, use:

~/seq2parse/src $ python run_parse_test_time_top_n_small.py python-grammar.txt ./human_study ./models 20 10 top-20

and expect an output similar to:

2/2 [==============================] - 1s 31ms/step
Programs to repair: 50
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [06:15<00:00,  7.50s/it]
Dataset size: 50
Parse accuracy (%): 82.0
Mean parse time (sec): 7.398970724940446
Median parse time (sec): 2.4660917939982028
Dataset repaired faster than user (%): 94.0
User fix accuracy (%): 14.0
All error locations fixed accuracy (%): 64.0
Any error locations fixed accuracy (%): 74.0
1 sec: Parse accuracy = 14.0
5 sec: Parse accuracy = 70.0
10 sec: Parse accuracy = 82.0
15 sec: Parse accuracy = 86.0
20 sec: Parse accuracy = 92.0
25 sec: Parse accuracy = 94.0
30 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
35 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
40 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
45 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
50 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
55 sec: Parse accuracy = 96.0
60 sec: Parse accuracy = 98.0

Usefulness (Sec. 7.4)

The rest of our evaluation was based on a user study. We used a web interface that can be reached at this link.

All the program stimuli are also included at our website demo, where we run a smaller version of Seq2Parse. Additionally, these programs or any other Python program with syntax errors can use our website demo or the local command:

~/seq2parse/src $ [CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=GPU_NUM] python seq2parse.py python-grammar.txt ./models GPU_NUM INPUT_PROG.py

where INPUT_PROG.py is a Python program file and GPU_NUM is the ID of the local GPU to use (if multiple exist). If the script variable GPU_NUM is not working, try exporting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=GPU_NUM as well at the beginning. If only one GPU is available set GPU_NUM to 0. If no GPUs are available, the script will default to CPU usage.

The output of the above Seq2Parse command is the original program and the Seq2Parse repair. The command will also generate a INPUT_PROG.py.json file at a .seq2parse directory (generated if it doesn't exist, at the same directory as INPUT_PROG.py). INPUT_PROG.py.json has information used by the website demo for line-by-line syntax error feedback (and will also be used on a future VS Code plugin).


While the lack of the Python dataset, makes it infeasible to recreate the full paper evaluation, we believe that the code we have provided can help future researchers to build on and compare with our work.

Additional scripts are provided to train on any programming language dataset and repair new programs, as long as a dataset of fixed buggy programs and the language grammar are given. For example, create_ecpp_dataset_full.py extracts a machine learning appropriate dataset from the dataset of fixed buggy program pairs after performing the appropriate program abstraction, learn_PCFG.py learns the probabilistic grammar needed for the abstraction, train_eccp_classifier_partials.py trains the transformer classifier on the abstracted programs and the ground truth error production rules and, finally, run_parse_test_time_top_n_preds_partials.py run all the relevant repair experiments on a fixed buggy program test set.