
Respositoy for the mapping of the OSLO ontology for mobility


List of data models

The following entity types are available:

  • BicycleParkingStation. Bicycle Parking Station Schema meeting Passenger Transport Hubs AP Schema specification

  • BicycleParkingStationForecast. Bicycle Parking Station Schema meeting Passenger Transport Hubs AP Schema specification

  • ResourceReport. Resource Report Schema meeting Passenger Transport Hubs AP Schema specification. A summary of resources connected to mobility services based on defined filters by the person requesting the report.

  • ResourceReportForecast. Resource Report Forecast Schema meeting Passenger Transport Hubs AP Schema specification. A summary of the expectations of the resources connected to mobility services based on defined filters by the person requesting the report.


Link to the 1 current contributors of the data models of this Subject.


You can raise an issue or submit your PR on existing data models