
image animation experiments - infiltrationlab style.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Intense visualizations - InfiltrationLab style.

alt text

This is the source code behind https://cuspid.net.


cuspid is a visualization tool that displays images and videos in various modes of manipulation. It is inspired by microscopy and the aesthetics of found/accidental texture.

It is aimed at being used as backing material for non/musical performance, and other uses may be discovered.

The concept is that it might be used something like this:


running it

cuspid is mostly intended to be hosted, but if you want to run it for development or exploration:

$ git clone git@github.com:breedx2/cuspid.git
$ cd cuspid
$ npm install
$ npm start

Then point a browser to http://localhost:8080/workspace


Nearly all aspects of cuspid can be controlled via the keyboard. This includes mode changes, speeds, and effects toggles.

See here for a complete list of all keystrokes.


In addition to the above keystrokes, cuspid has out-of-the-box support for Open Sound Control. This allows web client viewports to be controlled by remote OSC messages, which could be generated by 3rd party software or MIDI mapping software.

See here for docs on cuspid OSC message format/structure.


Pd or PureData is a graphical language for doing sound/media work. There's a very small amount of support for sending OSC from Pd. See the pd/ dir for details.