
gnuplot scripts I use to monitor BHNS runs

Primary LanguageGnuplot

  • I cloned these gnuplot palettes in the parent directory to these files:
git clone https://github.com/Gnuplotting/gnuplot-palettes/

which allows you to choose between different color palettes on the fly. You just need to edit styles.gpi.

  • Usage: gnuplot then load 'restmass.gpi'

  • You can output to png for group meetings:

set term png
set output 'images/restmass.png'
  • You can output to latex for talks and papers:
set term latex
set output 'latex/restmass.tex'
  • You can output all your pngs with a single command
load 'make-images.gpi'

then just rsync images/ over.

  • You can execute a gnuplot shell command from the bash terminal (may be useful for cronjobs/automation):
gnuplot -e "load 'make-images.gpi'"
  • Once in a while, update all the JoinedLev1 directories using ../scripts/rejoinsegments.sh