
A CSV api for RobotEvents, to make importing into spreadsheets easier

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A CSV api for RobotEvents, to make importing into spreadsheets easier

Note: a public version of this API is available at https://robotevents.bren.app


All endpoints begin with /:sku/, where sku refers to the event code, as given on RobotEvents. Event Codes typically look like RE-VRC-21-5146, and are specific to an individual event.


Returns a list of teams in the event, in all divisions. Output columns look like:

Team, Team Name, Grade, Organization, City, State, Country


$ curl https://robotevents.bren.app/RE-VRC-21-5146/teams
3796A,Mann Made,High School,J. L. MANN HIGH ACADEMY,Greenville,South Carolina,United States
3796B,Some Assembly Required,High School,J. L. MANN HIGH ACADEMY,Greenville,South Carolina,United States
3796C,Don't Blink,High School,J. L. MANN HIGH ACADEMY,Greenville,South Carolina,United States
3796D,Dread Claw,High School,J. L. MANN HIGH ACADEMY,Greenville,South Carolina,United States
3796E,Caution! Student Drivers!,High School,J. L. MANN HIGH ACADEMY,Greenville,South Carolina,United States
3796F,Pay Respects,High School,J. L. MANN HIGH ACADEMY,Greenville,South Carolina,United States
3796G,Kachow!,High School,J. L. MANN HIGH ACADEMY,Greenville,South Carolina,United States
3796H,A Certain Robotics Team,High School,J. L. MANN HIGH ACADEMY,Greenville,South Carolina,United States
8381C,Razor Mechanics,High School,WALHALLA HIGH,Walhalla,South Carolina,United States


Returns a summary of the skills scores of an event. Output columns look like

Team, Driver Attempts, Driver Highscore, Programming Attempts, Programming High School


Returns the rankings for a specific division, given by the division number. For most events, use 1 for division number. Larger events with multiple events use successive division numbers.

Output columns in are in the form

Rank, Team, WP, AP, SP, Wins, Losses, Ties, High Score

Note: for VIQC, the average match score is reported in SP. The remaining columns are not used.


Get the worlds skills standings for a particular program (VRC, VIQC, VEXU, ...) and grade (Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College). Additional query parameters can be used to filter by region and post_season results.]

Output columns are in the form

Global Rank, Score, Driver, Programming, Highest Driver, Highest Programming, Team, Team Name, SKU  


$ curl https://robotevents.bren.app/skills/VRC/High%20School?region=South%20Carolina
56, 497, 296, 201, 296, 201, 3859W, Astrobots, RE-VRC-21-5122
178, 408, 301, 107, 301, 107, 52455A, Hyper Resolution, RE-VRC-21-6252
189, 402, 260, 142, 311, 142, 9447H, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, RE-VRC-21-6252
212, 393, 313, 80, 313, 100, 3796F, Pay Respects, RE-VRC-21-4756
215, 390, 220, 170, 240, 170, 9447B, Wild Cards, RE-VRC-21-5146
328, 360, 280, 80, 280, 80, 3796B, Some Assembly Required, RE-VRC-21-5041
356, 350, 290, 60, 290, 60, 8926W, Wigglebots, RE-VRC-21-5768
372, 342, 242, 100, 243, 100, 3796E, Caution! Student Drivers!, RE-VRC-21-5768