
Overview of Promises

Primary LanguageJavaScript

It will be done, I Promise

noun one's word that something will be done

Promises are a replacement for:

doSomething(function(error, result){...});

Callbacks are less than ideal because:

  • difficult with complex flow
  • once started, cannot interrupt with more handlers
  • a single callback and tied to reacting code.


Object that represents a potentially asynchronous operation The promise object has a then() function with 3 states:

  • pending
  • fulfilled
  • rejected

.then() takes handler functions as parameters

Once fulfilled/rejected cannot change state

The returned value becomes a promise returned by then()

let greetingPromise = function(){
    new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        // mockup async/delayed action using setTimeout
        setTimeout(function() { 
        }, 3000);


Common Uses

  • Data Retrieval
  • Anything with an external call
  • Loading CSS Animation
  • Other Animations
  • Template Rendering

Promise Vs. Callback Events

Promises are objects

Promises are objects that store information about whether an event has happened and what the outcome is.

Callbacks are functions

Callbacks are blocks of code that run in response to events (timers, click).
Any function can be a callback and every callback is a function.

Promises are for operations executed once.
Events are for repeated events.

Promises are returned.
Callbacks are passed arguments.

Callbacks handle success and failure and handle those options.
Promises don't handle anything. Success and failure are attached.

Callbacks can represent multiple events - can be called multiple times (click).
Promises represent one event and success once or failed once.

Since `then()`` always returns a new promise object, there will always be at least one promise object that gets created, resolved and then ignored. Which can be viewed as wasteful.

####Rejection Handlers#### Rejection handlers in promise.then return resolved promises, not rejected ones.

Any exception(error) thrown within the handlers passed to promise.then will be turned into a rejected promise. It is important to make sure that you finish each .then chain with a rejection-only handler –

promise.catch(handler) is equivalent to promise.then(null, handler)


Trigger multiple async interactions and get a response when all of them are complete.

If any promise is rejected the catch fires for the first rejection.


Instead of waiting for all promses to be resolved or rejected, race triggers as soon as any promise (within .all) is resolved or rejected.
