
Adds sign up email verification, forgotten password reset, and other capabilities to local feathers-authentication

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Adds user email verification, forgotten password reset, and other capabilities to local feathers-authentication.

  • Checking that values for fields like email and username are unique in the users file.
  • Hooks for adding a new user.
  • Send another email address verification email.
  • Process an email address verification response.
  • Send email for a forgotten password.
  • Process a forgotten password email response.
  • Process password change.
  • Process email address change.

The optional transactional emails sent for email address verification and forgotten password include a link containing a 30-char slug. The slug has a configurable expiry delay.

Emails may be sent for:

  • Email addr verification request when a new user is created.
  • Resending a new email addr verification, e.g. previous verification email was lost or is expired.
  • Successful user verification.
  • Sending an email to reset the password when the password is forgotten.
  • Successful password reset for a forgotten password.
  • Manual change of a password.
  • The previous email address is notified of a change of email address.

The server does not handle any interactions with the user. Leaving it a pure API server, lets it be used with both native and browser clients.

Build Status Coverage Status

Code Example

The folder example presents a full featured server/browser implementation whose UI lets you try the API.


Configure package in Feathersjs.

const verifyReset = require('feathers-service-verify-reset').service;

module.exports = function () { // 'function' needed as we use 'this'
  const app = this;
  app.configure(verifyReset({ emailer })); // line added

function emailer(action, user, params, cb) {
  switch (action) {
    // resend (send another verification email), verify (email addr has been verified)
    // forgot (send forgot password email), reset (password has been reset)

An email to verify the user's email addr can be sent when user if created on the server, e.g. /src/services/user/hooks/index:

const verifyHooks = require('feathers-service-verify-reset').hooks;

exports.before = {
  // ...
  create: [
    verifyHooks.addVerification(), // set email addr verification info

exports.after = {
  // ...
  create: [
    hooks.remove('password'), // hook is ignored if server initiated operation
    emailVerification, // send email to verify the email addr
    verifyHooks.removeVerification(), // hook is ignored if server initiated operation

function emailVerification(hook, next) {
  // ...
  next(null, hook);


Client loads a wrapper for the package

<script src=".../feathers-service-verify-reset/lib/client.js"></script>


import VerifyRest from 'feathers-service-verify-reset/lib/client'; 

and then uses convenient APIs.

const app = feathers() ...
const verifyReset = new VerifyReset(app);

// Verify the username and email are unique.
verifyReset.unique({ username, email }, null, false, (err) => { // not unique if err ... });

// Add a new user, using standard feathers users service.
// Then send a verification email with a link containing a slug.
users.create(user, (err, user) => { ... });

// Resend another email address verification email. New link, new slug.
verifyReset.resendVerify(email, (err, user) => { ... });

// Verify email address once user clicks link in the verification email.
// Then send a confirmation email.
verifyReset.verifySignUp(slug, (err, user) => { ... });

// Authenticate (sign in) user, requiring user to be verified.
verifyReset.authenticate(email, password, (err, user) => { ... });

// Send email for a forgotten password with a link containing a slug.
verifyReset.sendResetPassword(email, (err, user) => { ... });

// Reset the new password once the user follows the link in the reset email 
// and enters a new password. Then send a confirmation email.
verifyReset.saveResetPassword(slug, password, (err, user) => { ... });

// Change the password and send a confirmation email.
verifyReset.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword, currentUser, (err, user) => { ... });

// Change the email and send a confirmation email to the old email address..
verifyReset.changeEmail(password, newEmail, currentUser, (err, user) => { ... });


The client handles all interactions with the user. Therefore the server must serve the client app when an email link is followed, and the client must do some routing based on the path in the link.

Assume you have sent the email link: http://localhost:3030/socket/verify/12b827994bb59cacce47978567989e

The server serves the client app on /socket:

// Express-like middleware provided by Feathersjs.
app.use('/', serveStatic(app.get('public')))
   .use('/socket', (req, res) => {
    res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'public', 'socket.html')); // serve the client

The client then routes itself based on the URL. You will likely use you favorite client-side router, but a way primitive routing would be:

const [leader, provider, action, slug] = window.location.pathname.split('/');

switch (action) {
  case 'verify':
  case 'reset':
    // normal app startup


Email addr verification and handling forgotten passwords are common features these days. This package adds that functionality to Feathersjs.

Install package

Install Nodejs.

Run npm install feathers-service-verify-reset --save in your project folder.

You can then require the utilities.

/src on GitHub contains the ES6 source. It will run on Node 6+ without transpiling.

Install and run example

cd example

npm install

npm start

Point browser to localhost:3030/socket for the socketio client, to localhost:3030/rest for the rest client.

The two clients differ only in their how they configure feathers-client.

feathers-starter-react-redux-login-roles is a full-featured example of using this repo with React and Redux.

API Reference

The following properties are added to user data:

  • isVerified {Boolean} if user's email addr has been verified.
  • verifyToken {String|null} token (slug) emailed for email addr verification.
  • verifyExpires {Number|null} date-time when token expires.
  • resetToken {String|null?} optional token (slug) emailed for password reset.
  • resetExpires {Number|null?} date-time when token expires.

See Code Example section above.

See example folder for a fully functioning example.

This repo does some of the heavy lifting for feathers-starter-react-redux-login-roles where all of its features are used.


npm run test:only to run tests with the existing ES5 transpiled code.

npm test to transpile to ES5 code, eslint and then run tests on Nodejs 6+.

npm run cover to run tests plus coverage.

Change Log

List of notable changes.

