
Raster tiler build with Rust

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION


A tool to create a PNG MBtiles tileset from a single-band GeoTIFF.

Requires GDAL >= 3.8 to be installed on the system.


This is still under early development and a lot of validation is not yet in place.



From a local clone of this repository

Build and run this in development mode:

cargo run -- render <tif filename> <mbtiles filename>

Or build a release version:

cargo build --release


Usage: rastertiler <COMMAND>

  merge   merge two MBTiles files into a single MBTiles file
  render  render a single-band GeoTIFF to a MBTiles file
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Render tiles

Usage: rastertiler render [OPTIONS] <TIFF> <MBTILES>

  <TIFF>     Input GeoTIFF filename
  <MBTILES>  Output MBTiles filename

  -Z, --minzoom <MINZOOM>          Minimum zoom level [default: 0]
  -z, --maxzoom <MAXZOOM>          Maximum zoom level [default: 0]
  -s, --tilesize <TILESIZE>        Tile size in pixels per side [default: 512]
  -n, --name <NAME>                Tileset name
  -d, --description <DESCRIPTION>  Tileset description
  -a, --attribution <ATTRIBUTION>  Minimum zoom level
  -w, --workers <WORKERS>          Number of workers to create tiles [default: 4]
  -c, --colormap <COLORMAP>        Colormap as comma-delmited value:hex color pairs, e.g., "<value>:<hex>,<value:hex>" can only be provided for uint8 data
      --disable-overviews          Disable use of overviews in source GeoTIFF. This will yield more precise results at the expense of slower performance
  -h, --help                       Print help

To create MBtiles from a single-band uint8 GeoTIFF:

rastertiler render example.tif example.mbtiles --minzoom 0 --maxzoom 2

By default, this will render grayscale PNG tiles.

To use a colormap to render the uint8 data to paletted PNG

rastertiler render example.tif example.mbtiles --minzoom 0 --maxzoom 2 --colormap "1:#686868,2:#fbb4b9,3:#c51b8a,4:#49006a"

Any values in the GeoTIFF that are not present in the colormap are converted to transparent pixels.

The colormap renderer will automatically select the smallest bit depth that can hold all values of the colormap plus a transparency value:

  • a colormap with 1 value will be output as a 1-bit PNG
  • a colormap with 3 values will be output as a 2-bit PNG
  • a colormap with 14 values will be output as a 4-bit PNG
  • otherwise will be output as an 8-bit PNG

Merge tilesets

You may need to render a given dataset at different zoom levels, such as using internal overviews for low zooms and no overviews for higher zooms. You can use the merge subcommand to merge these into a single tileset.

Usage: rastertiler merge <left MBTiles file> <right MBTiles file> <output MBTiles file>

  <left MBTiles file>
  <right MBTiles file>
  <output MBTiles file>

  -h, --help  Print help


This started as a Rust port of rastertiler built in Go, specifically to avoid the performance penalty of CGO bindings to GDAL and more flexible PNG encoding.

See also raster-tilecutter which does much the same thing, in Python, using rasterio.

This project was developed with the support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy for use in the Southeast Conservation Blueprint Viewer.


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