
38th place solution for the Benetech - Making Graphs Accessible Competition.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Benetech - Making Graphs Accessible Competiton

This repository contains code for the 38th place solution in the Benetech - Making Graphs Accessible competition on Kaggle.

Model Architecture


Use SOTA models (effnet -> effnetv2)

Do not overfit the training data and public LB.

  • I used too many synthetically generated plots, and overfit the extracted data

Should have used more "real" plots

  • Needed to use more diverse extracted datasets for training (ICDAR, ChartQA, PlotQA, etc.)

Could have used a more creative synthetic data generation process

Needed a better CV setup

  • Use smaller models to test ideas and scale up in the end
  • Set up a way to validate single models and ensembles early on (ie. add a valdiate.py file)

Classifier and Counting performance was not strong

  • For a chart to be scored it had to be classified correctly, and have the right number of points
  • Classification CV was ~95%, but other solutions were ~99.5% (they used more "real" plots)

Need to focus more on the ensemble


Best place in a Kaggle competition this far!

  • Reduced precision of the data
  • Trained a separate pix2struct model for each chart type and axis (10 models)
  • Setup Torch-Lightning code to quickly test ideas
  • Put together a plot generator