
58th place solution for the Google Research - Identify Contrails to Reduce Global Warming Competition.

Primary LanguagePython

Google Research - Contrails Competition

This repository contains code for the 58th place solution in the Google Research - Identify Contrails to Reduce Global Warming competition on Kaggle. My solution write-up can be found here.

Model Architecture

Where I need to Improve

Use a different seed for each model regardless of the validation fold

Analyze model predictions

More Creativity, Trust your findings

  • Could have trained on each participant, or on soft labels Discussionby @Ryches
  • I found that bicubic worked best in CV, but did not stick with it..
  • The best tips are not always on the discussion forums

Use checkpointing during training

  • Enables the usage of pausing and resuming training runs without wasting computation

Team up with other Kagglers.

  • This is the best way to learn!


  • Efficientnetv2, DPT
  • Losses: Tversky, LogCoshDice
  • Downsampling Interpolation Methods
  • Removing Islands
  • Openmmlab (Upernet, Swin)
  • Deep supervision


  • Created a diverse ensemble using different backbones
  • Attempted novel ideas (deep supervision, custom model architectures, etc)
  • Iterated quickly with small-scale versions of images/models, and scaled up at the end
  • First segmentation competition!