
191st place solution for the LLM Science Exam Competition.

Primary LanguagePython

LLM Science Exam Competition

This repository contains code for the 191st place solution in the Kaggle - LLM Science Exam competition on Kaggle. The complete solution write-up is here.

Model Architecture

Future Improvements


  • Could have fine-tuned retrieval/re-ranker models to QA with wikipedia data
  • Should have focused more on evaluating RAG performance
  • Ensembled different retrieval models
  • Should have used multiple wiki sources (Different sources were missing different pieces)


  • Should have experimented with a larger LLM using PEFT (7-13 billion params)
    • 1st place solution suggests that LLM w/ LORA fine tune would have boosted score by (~0.01) and gotten me into top 50!
  • Should have ensembled diverse models here
  • Can speed up inference by caching context for decoder only models?


  • Should have focused on setting up a correlated CV early in the competition
  • Should have used a validation set more representative of competition LB/PB

Other Attempts

  • Prefix-tuning w/ Flan-T5
  • SOTA retrieval models (bge-base-en-v1.5, gte-base, all-mpnet-base-v2, etc.)


  • Collected >7 million English Wikipedia articles
  • Enhanced Huggingface AutoModelForMultipleChoice class by adding other answers as context
  • Sharded FAISS to fit large retrieval model in <13GB of RAM
  • Setup a decent create_data pipeline to test retrieval hyperparameters