
Just drop the admin folder into your custom WP theme and include the init.php file from your function.php, and you have access to a full range of admin option fields and metaboxes.

Primary LanguagePHP


Just drop the admin folder into your custom WP theme and include the init.php file from your function.php, and you have access to a full range of admin option fields and metaboxes.

Alt screenshot

Alt screenshot

Alt screenshot

Theme Option and Meta Box Fields

Theme Options Example Set Up - fields.php

###text Supports: id, name, class, placeholder,label,desc, css

###number Supports: id, name, class, placeholder,label, desc, css

###email Supports: id, name, class, placeholder,label, desc, css

###select Supports: id, name, class,label,desc, options (key => value array)

###date (jQuery Ui Datepicker) Supports: id, name, class, placeholder,label,desc, options (jQuery UI Datepicker Options - http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#option-dateFormat)

###textarea Supports: id, name, class, placeholder,label, desc

###wysiwyg (WP Visual Editor) Supports: id, name, class, placeholder,label, desc

###color (Spectrum Color Picker) Supports: id, name, class, placeholder,label,desc, css

###upload, upload_repeater (WP Uploader) Supports: id, name, class, placeholder,label,desc

###upload_bg (WP Uploader) Supports: id, name, class, placeholder,label, desc, css

not available in metaboxes yet

###html Supports: desc (as html / CSS / JS Code)

###font Supports: id, name, class,label,desc, options (key => value array), css