
Bidirectional type checker for the simply typed lambda calculus

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT


A type checker for the simply typed lambda calculus, implemented in a bidirectional style.

The point of this is to show that type checking is actually quite simple if you follow a bidirectional approach! Hopefully this whets your appetite for playing around with your own type checkers!

The idea behind bidirectional type checking is that you split up your syntax into terms that are:

  • easy to infer the type of
  • need additional type annotations to check them

For example:

  • 'foo is easy to infer - it's an Atom
  • \x => x can't have its type inferred - it needs an annotation

This split is reflected in the type checker, which has two mutually defined functions:

infer : Context -> Term -> Result String Type
check : Context -> Term -> Type -> Result String ()

Running the app

To play with this, install Elm 0.19, clone the repository, and run the Elm Reactor:

elm reactor

Then open src/Main.elm in the file navigator

Further reading