
Personal checklist for setting up a new Ubuntu dev environment.

Ubuntu Config

Ubuntu Config is a basic checklist I follow to set up a new Ubuntu development environment. It gets me up to speed with Git, Java, Deno, Apps and more so I can more quickly get back to coding. Hugely inspired in the @mdo's same structure.


1. Prep Ubuntu

  • Update and upgrade the system with the good 'ol command mantra: sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y

Accept any thing that is beyond -y arg auto allowance.

2. Prep Terminal

  • First of all, install build-essential, git, zsh, vim, curl and net-tools.
  • Change /etc/passwd shell to use /bin/zsh.
  • Clone and install the dotfiles project.
  • Add custom padding into terminal.
  • Add transparency into terminal profile.
  • Generate news ssh keys and update it elsewhere (GitHub, GitLab, and so on).

3. Setup Deno

  • Install deno via curl: curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh.
  • Ensure DENO_INSTALL is set and loaded into PATH.

4. Setup VS Codium

  • Install Visual Studio Codium.
  • Install VS Code.

4. Install programs

  • Install Firefox and Chromium browsers.
  • Install draw.io and yEd diagram apps.
  • Install Inkscape and Gimp graphic apps.

4. Additional dependencies

  • Install node via apt: sudo apt install node -y.
  • Install Ruby via apt: sudo apt install ruby -y.

7. Customize things

  • Add params --enable-features=WebUIDarkMode --force-dark-mode on every Exec instruction on its launcher and reload application.
  • Install Ad Blocker in Firefox and Chromium. Please.

Config iPad as a second monitor

  • Run gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.rdp screen-share-mode extend to enable screen extend when on RDP.
  • Enable RDP on Sharing settings.
  • Ensure iPad has the Microsoft RDP app to access the machine.
  • Access the computer from iPAD using local IP.

Use it yourself

Fork this repo, or just copy-paste things you need, and make it your own. Please be sure to change your .gitconfig name and email address though!

Works on my machine

Yup, it does. Hopefully it does on yours as well, but please don't hate me if it doesn't.
