Applying Behaviorally-Informed Meta-Learning (BIML) to machine learning benchmarks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Meta-Learning for Compositionality (MLC) for machine learning benchmarks

Meta-Learning for Compositionality (MLC) is an optimization procedure that encourages systematicity through a series of few-shot compositional tasks. This repository shows how to apply MLC to the SCAN and COGS machine learning benchmarks.

A separate repository here has code for applying MLC as a model of human behavioral responses, using a simpler architecture.

Note: Users can regard the acronym BIML as synonymous with MLC. The approach was renamed to MLC after the code was written.

We strongly recommend you run the training and evaluations using a GPU (one Titan RTX used in paper).


Please cite the following article if you use any of this code in your work:


This repo borrows from the excellent PyTorch seq2seq tutorial.


Python 3 with the following packages (install time within minutes): torch (PyTorch), sklearn (scikit-learn), numpy, matplotlib

The specific versions used for development: Python (3.7.9), PyTorch (1.10.1), sklean (0.24.2), numpy (1.21.5), matplotlib (3.3.2)

Downloading pre-trained models

BIML-scale architecture

To get pre-trained models, you should download the following zip file. Please extract BIML_ml_models.zip such that out_models_scan and out_models_cogs are sub-directories of the main repo and contain the model files net_*.pt. Records of the model output and performance numbers for the runs used in the paper are also available in this folder, as e.g., net_*_eval_gen_lex.txt.

Evaluating models

Models are evaluated via their best responses to the test commands. We find the best response from the pre-trained MLC model using greedy decoding.

To evaluate a pre-trained model on the SCAN Add jump split,

python eval.py  --max --episode_type addprim_jump_actions --dir_model out_models_scan --fn_out_model net_addprim_jump_actions_rep1.pt --verbose

To evaluate a pre-trained model on the COGS lexical generalization split,

python eval.py  --max --episode_type cogs_gen_lex --dir_model out_models_cogs --fn_out_model net_cogs_train_targeted_rep1.pt --verbose

The full set of evaluation arguments can be viewed with when typing python eval.py -h:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fn_out_model FN_OUT_MODEL
                        *REQUIRED*. Filename for loading the model
  --dir_model DIR_MODEL
                        Directory for loading the model file
  --max_length_eval MAX_LENGTH_EVAL
                        Maximum generated sequence length (must be at least 50
                        for SCAN and 400 for COGS)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Maximum generated sequence length
  --episode_type EPISODE_TYPE
                        What type of episodes do we want? See datasets.py for
  --dashboard           Showing loss curves during training.
  --ll                  Evaluate log-likelihood of validation (val) set
  --max                 Find best outputs for val commands (greedy decoding)
  --verbose             Inspect outputs in more detail

Episode types

Please see datasets.py for the full set of options. Here are a few key episode types that can be set via --episode_type:

For MLC on SCAN:

  • simple_actions : For meta-training and evaluating on SCAN Simple (IID) split.
  • addprim_jump_actions : For meta-training and evaluating on SCAN Add jump split.
  • around_right_actions : For meta-training and evaluating on SCAN Around right split.
  • opposite_right_actions : For meta-training and evaluating on SCAN Opposite right split.
  • length_actions : For meta-training and evaluating on SCAN Length split.

For MLC on COGS:

  • cogs_train_targeted : Meta-training for COGS on all splits.
  • cogs_iid : For evaluating on COGS Simple (IID) split.
  • cogs_gen_lex : For evaluating on systematic lexical generalization split.
  • cogs_gen_struct : for evaluating on systematic structural generalization split.

Training models from scratch

Here are example of how to optimize MLC-Scale on SCAN and COGS. For training and evaluating on the SCAN Add jump split,

python train.py --episode_type addprim_jump_actions --fn_out_model net-BIML-scan-add-jump.pt

which after training will produce a file out_models/net-BIML-scan-add-jump.pt. For training and evaluating on the other SCAN splits, replace the episode_type with the options above.

To optimize for all COGS splits,

python train.py --episode_type cogs_train_targeted --batch_size 40 --nepochs 300 --fn_out_model net-BIML-cogs.pt

which after training will produce a file out_models/net-BIML-cogs.pt.

The full set of training arguments can be viewed with python train.py -h:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fn_out_model FN_OUT_MODEL
                        *REQUIRED* Filename for saving model checkpoints.
                        Typically ends in .pt
  --dir_model DIR_MODEL
                        Directory for saving model files
  --episode_type EPISODE_TYPE
                        What type of episodes do we want? See datasets.py for
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        number of episodes per batch
  --batch_hold_update BATCH_HOLD_UPDATE
                        update the weights after this many batches (default=1)
  --nepochs NEPOCHS     number of training epochs
  --lr LR               learning rate
  --lr_end_factor LR_END_FACTOR
                        factor X for decrease learning rate linearly from
                        1.0*lr to X*lr across training
  --no_lr_warmup        Turn off learning rate warm up (by default, we use 1
                        epoch of warm up)
  --emb_size EMB_SIZE   size of embedding
  --nlayers_encoder NLAYERS_ENCODER
                        number of layers for encoder
  --nlayers_decoder NLAYERS_DECODER
                        number of layers for decoder
  --ff_mult FF_MULT     multiplier for size of the fully-connected layer in
  --dropout DROPOUT     dropout applied to embeddings and transformer
  --act ACT             activation function in the fully-connected layer of
                        the transformer (relu or gelu)
  --save_best           Save the "best model" according to validation loss.
  --save_best_skip SAVE_BEST_SKIP
                        Do not bother saving the "best model" for this
                        fraction of early training
  --resume              Resume training from a previous checkpoint

Note that the save_best options were not used in any benchmark experiment and should not be used in these use cases. SCAN does not have a validation set, and early stopping on the COGS validation set leads to poor performance.