
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Airportle is a spin on the trending game, Wordle! The aim is to deduce the 3 letter airport code of a major airport in the United States.

Link to project: https://airportle.netlify.app

How It's Made:

Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Here's where you can go to town on how you actually built this thing. Write as much as you can here, it's totally fine if it's not too much just make sure you write something. If you don't have too much experience on your resume working on the front end that's totally fine. This is where you can really show off your passion and make up for that ten fold.

The word bank contains only major U.S.A. airports and have been taken from https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/major_US_airports.htm

Upcoming features

  • Add international airports from around the world
  • Add ability to ask for a hint at the cost of an attempt
  • Add a 'new game' button so the user can play as many rounds as they like
  • Implement a scoring system using local storage to keep a record of the users stats

Lessons Learned:

No matter what your experience level, being an engineer means continuously learning. Every time you build something you always have those whoa this is awesome or fuck yeah I did it! moments. This is where you should share those moments! Recruiters and interviewers love to see that you're self-aware and passionate about growing.

Other projects:

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NASA Picture of the Day
nasa app
My Portfolio
"That's What She Said"
the office app